


A l'occasion du déplacement à la République Bolivarienne du Vénézuela, du 13 au 16 mai dernier, de la mission ACP Legal conduite par sa présidente, Mme le juge Catherine SARGENTI accompagnée de Dominique HECTOR, Carlos ROMEO, et Jean REALE, le projet Ohad...


From the 23rd to the 25th April 2008 in Maputo (Mozambique), the First International Conference on "Regional Integration Issues and SADC Law" has been held. Among the objectives of the International Conference one was to define strategies for the devel...

Ph.D Defence on the Law relating to the transportation of goods by road / University of Nantes

We are pleased to inform you of a Ph.D Defence titled Law relating to the transportation of goods by road: Critical, Prospective and Comparative analysis. The defence will be taken place on Ocober 4, 2007 at the University of Nantes by Joseph-Alain BATOUAN B., Ph.D in Private Law at Universities of Nantes (France) and Yaounde II (Cameroon), lecturer at the University of Yaounde II and research assistant at the Maritime and Oceanic Law Center (University of Nantes).

Publication d'un Dictionnaire OHADA

L'auteur, Hilarion Alain BITSAMANA, est titulaire d'une maîtrise en Droit Privé obtenue à l'université Marien NGOUABI (CONGO Brazzaville). Actuellement, il s'occupe en qualité de vacataire à la faculté de Droit de l'université de Loango (Pointe-noire) et ...