

Presentation of the OHADA framework and rules in English by Baker Mc Kenzie Zurich (Switzerland)

  • 30/11/2015
  • 5194
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afficheThe Organisation pour l'Harmonisation en Afrique du Droit des Affaires (OHADA) has been working for more than twenty years on the unification of commercial laws in West and Central Africa, thereby contributing greatly to increased legal certainty and favourable investment conditions in the participating countries.

In the present publication (OHADA presentation brochure), with a foreword by Judge Seydou Ba, President of the Association for the Unification of Law in Africa (UNIDA / and formerly the first President of the OHADA Common Court of Justice and Arbitration, the OHADA rules as well as the broader general framework for economic activities in the OHADA countries are comprehensively described in English. Drawing from their practical experiences, the authors, partners and attorneys of Baker & McKenzie Zurich provide readers with practical insights into issues that ought to be taken into account when considering projects or investments in West and Central Africa.

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