

Celebrating the 50 TH anniversary of UNCITRAL / Global Inclusion and Dispute Resolution: Harmonization Trends in International Arbitration / 9 - 10 December 2017, Cairo, Egypt

  • 17/11/2017
  • 4292
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The United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) and the Cairo Regional Centre for International Commercial Arbitration (CRCICA) have the pleasure to announce holding a regionally exclusive conference celebrating the UNCITRAL's 50th Anniversary: “GLOBAL INCLUSION AND DISPUTE RESOLUTION: HARMONIZING TRENDS IN INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION” on 9-10 December 2017 at CRCICA Auditorium, Cairo / Egypt. Similar celebratory conferences were held in Austria, Cameroon and India. The Cairo version is the exclusive one in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Region.

The agenda will focus on the applications of the New York Convention, the UNCITRAL Model Arbitration Law and the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules. Recent global trends in the Reform of Investor-State Dispute Settlement will be specifically tackled in an interesting multilateral context. Relevant updates will be highlighted, including the discussions and possible outcomes of the most recent UNCITRAL ISDS Session to be held in Vienna just few days before the Conference.

Such a diverse agenda echoes a similar diversity of speakers representing different countries such as Switzerland, Spain, The Netherlands, Austria, Malaysia, Sweden, France, Turkey, Cameroon, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Lebanon and Egypt.

This prestigious event features an interesting range of sponsorship privileges for interested firms and organizations. With a diverse participation profile and more than 16.000 professionals registered in CRCICA database from all over the world, sponsorship opportunities and privileges are likely to appeal as worth considering.

It is notable that the week of 9 December is exceptionally busy at CRCICA as we will host a Young ICCA Seminar and an IBA Award Writing Workshop on the 11th of December. CRCICA will also organize a Conference on The Belt and Road Initiative: Economic Legal Landscape and Dispute Settlement jointly with the Kuala Lumpur Regional Centre for Arbitration (KLRCA) and the Beijing International Arbitration Center (BIAC) on the 12th of December. On the Same day, a CRCICA/ABA training for young practitioners will be in process focusing on The effective advocacy skills for arbitration practitioners.

It is not all about business; Egypt's warm December will also unveil an optional breathtaking cruise trip to Luxor and Aswan, two magnificent cities of the ancient world, along the longest river in the world; the Nile River. The trip is especially tailored for our conferees and is scheduled from 14 to 18 December 2017. Sightseeing trips in Cairo and Alexandria are another touristic options. Bookings and queries are to be addressed solely and directly to Sunrise Travel Agency.

Please click the side links for more details on the Agenda, speakers, sponsorship privileges, registration and touristic trips.

We hope you will be able to participate at this important conference in order to remain abreast of all what global harmonization instruments still have to offer to the practice of international arbitration.

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