Suit n° HCB/02S/2010, AGUH KUM Lucy c/ NDE FRU Eric.
High Court of Mezam Décision du 23/10/2012
Voies D'exécution - Vente Forcée - Vente Aux Enchères - Publicité De La Vente - Adjudication - Transfert Du Titre De Propriété
Measures Of Exécution - Attachment Of Property - Auction Sale - Publication Of Sale - Reserve Price - Bidding - Adjudication Of Property - Transfer Of Land Title
When public auction of property has been ordered, section 283(5) of the Uniform Act on Simplified Recovery Procedures and Measures of Execution provides that where no bid is made after three candles have been successively lit, the pursuing creditor shall be declared winner for the set up price, save where he requests that the auction sale be put off for another hearing for a new set up price.
Article 283 Aupsrve
Section 283 Uasrpme