

Publication aux Presses Universitaires d'Afrique d'un nouvel ouvrage OHADA : « Les Sûretés Personnelles dans l'espace OHADA »

  • 23/01/2007
  • 6793
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It is with pleasure that we announce the publication of the textbook "Les sûretés personnelles dans l'espace OHADA" (Personal securities in OHADA ZONE). Mrs. Yvette Rachel KALIEU ELONGO is the author of this textbook. She is associates professor in Law at the University of Dschang (Cameroon) and besides scientific coordinator of a research unit on Institutions and Regional Integration (GERDIIC). The author in this work offers to the reader a clear reflection of all questions, relating to personal securities under the OHADA system of unified business laws: What are the essential elements of a deposit contract or a letter of guarantee? What are the recourses or options available in case of payment of the guarantee or guarantor?... These are some examples of questions that find specific and direct answers in the textbook which principal objective is to make in two parts a simple presentation of personal securities from the provisions of the Uniform Act of OHADA organizing securities. Through a methodical analysis added to practical examples, a comparative table of two types of securities, some typical rules of contract, this insightful handbook will be useful to student, professionals and law practitioners. This textbook has benefited a subsidy of the African Association for a Unified System of Business Laws (UNIDA) and your website It constitutes a relevant instrument and serves as a useful guide. It is for sale at 3000 FCFA at the following bookstores: CAMEROON Librairie Papyrus Afrique Face Hôtel Akwa Place, Boulevard de la Liberté B.P. 2580 DOUALA Tel.: +237 342 32 66 ACEDA 406 Boulevard de la Liberté DOUALA Tel.: +237 222 08 93 Messapresse DOUALA and YAOUNDE IVORY COAST Editions Eburnie Responsable: Marie-Agathe Amoikon 01 B.P. 1984 ABIDJAN 01 Tel.: +225 20 21 57 58 Fax: +225 20 21 64 65 Mail: BURKINA FASO Editions Sankofa & Gurli Responsable: Monsieur Jean-Claude Naba 01 B.P. 3811 OUAGADOUGOU Tel. / Fax: +226 36 43 44 Mail: BENIN Editions Ruisseaux d'Afrique Contact person : Béatrice Lalinon Gbado 04 B.P. 1154 C/ 2186 COTONOU Tel. / Fax: +229 38 31 86 Mail: CONGO Société congolaise de distribution et de recouvrement BRAZZAVILLE Contact person: Nicolas Bembe Mail: MALI Editions Jamana Hamdallaye - Avenue Cheik Zayed Porte n° 2694 - B.P. 2043 BAMAKO Contact person: Hamidou Konaté Tel.: +223 229 62 89 Fax: +223 229 76 39 Mail: GUINEA Editions Ganndal CONAKRY Contact person: Yaya Satina Tel.: +224 11 46 35 07 / 21 23 50 Fax: +224 46 35 07 / 45 45 38 Mail : GABON Editions du Silence LIBREVILLE Mail: CHAD Me Marcel Betel Ninganadji Ancien Bâtonnier, Avocat au barreau du Tchad NDJAMENA Tel.: +235 52 31 13 Fax: +235 52 65 52 FRANCE Alliance des éditeurs indépendants 38, rue Saint Sabin, 75011 PARIS Tel.: +33 (0) 1 43 14 73 66 Fax: +33 (0) 1 43 14 73 63 Web: For all further information, please do contact : Mr. Jean Alain M. PENDA Tel.: + 44 7814 172 984 / + 237 778 58 10 Email:

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