

Support of the Dominican Presidency to the OHADAC

Under the leadership of Professor José Carlos Fernández Rozas, lecturer at the University Complutense of Madrid, and ACP LEGAL “ambassador”, as part of the award of a distinction to His Excellency President Leonel Fernandez Reyna by the very prestigious Hispano Luso American Institute of International Law, December 17th 2010, ACP Legal has had the privilege to introduce the OHADAC project to the Dominican Presidency, to His Excellency President Fernandez, a lawyer, and Vice-President Albuquerque, also an attorney at Law, graduated from the Sorbonne. Both have confirmed interest in the OHADAC project of harmonization of business law in the Caribbean, particularly in the creation of a Caribbean Court of Arbitration, "if possible in Santo Domingo", according to the President's wishes. Professors José Carlos Fernandez, Sixto Sánchez, Rodolfo Davalos and Pedro Martinez, members of the Institute and leading figures of international law, are actively supporting our project.

Professor Fernandez Rozas in conversation with President FernandezDr. Martinez Fraga welcomed by President Fernandez in presence of Ambassador Morales, back.Jean Reale introducing the Ohadac to President Fernández and VP Albuquerque

Contact : Jean REALE Email :


  • 24/03/2011 10h52 GASTON TSHAUKE MWAMBA

    Je soutiens ce projet, qu'il aille jusqu'au bout afin que cet instrument juridique soit à la porté de tout un chacun.

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