

OHADAC Project / Summer School in Havana

  • 06/06/2011
  • 6108
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The eleventh annual edition of the Summer School of Havana, from June 27 to July 1, 2011, will introduce "Harmonization of Business Law: perspectives from Latin America and the Caribbean". Speakers:
  • Prof. Dr. José Carlos Fernández Rosas, Professor of Private International Private Law Law at the University Complutense of Madrid.
  • Prof. Dr. Sixto Sánchez Lorenzo, Professor of Private International Private Law at the University of Granada.
  • Prof. Dr. Bertrand Ancel, Professor of Private International Private Law at the University Paris II (La Sorbonne).
  • Prof. Dr. Rodolfo Dávalos Fernández, Senior Professor of Private International Law at the University of Havana.
  • Prof. Dr. Miguel-Ángel Michinel Álvarez, Professor of International Private Law and Dean of the Faculty of Law, University of Vigo. "The enforcement, with particular reference to the seizure of credit".
  • Prof. Dr. Guillermo Díaz de Rivera, Professor of Business Law, Pan-American University, Mexico City. "Ideas to combine the common law and Roman law-Latin trade law in the Caribbean".
  • Dr. Alfredo De Jesus O., Paris Bar Attorney, Deputy Secretary General of the Venezuelan Arbitration Committee. "The Impact of Globalization on International Arbitration with State Parties".
  • Mr. Valentín López Álvarez, Professor at the Faculty of Law at the University of Havana, CCACI Arbitrator.

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