OHADA Seminar, ACCRA, May 22, 24, 2007
- 29/05/2007
- 10011
- 1 commentaire
From the 22nd to the 24th May 2007 the OHADA Seminar (Go to General Report) was organized at Crystal Palm Hotel, Tesano, Accra, the Ghana-France Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture and the Organisation for the Harmonisation of Business Law in Africa (OHADA).
This Seminar, under the Chairmanship of the Chairman of the OHADA Council of Ministers, was attended by His Excellency El Hadj Maty Moussa, Minister for Justice of the Republic of Niger:
- a delegation from the Ministry of Justice of Ghana,
- several magistrates of Ghana
- lawyers
- a delegation from the Judicial Training Institute led by Ms. Mercy Ohene, Director
- a delegation from the Ghana-France Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture
- university lecturers
- a delegation from Benin led by Professor Dorothé Sossa, lawyer, former Minister for Justice, Dean of the Faculty of Law of Abomey - Calavi
- a Camerounian delegation led by Professor Martha Tumnde, Dean of the Faculty of Law of the University of Buea
- a Canadian delegation led by Mr. Serge Bourque, Barrister at law of Montreal,
- a French delegation led by Professor Jacques David, director of the Juriscope Information Centre on Judicial System abroad,
- a Nigerian delegation led by Mr. Akin Akimbote, former President of the bar association,
- a delegation from Togo led by Professor Akuété Pedro Santos, dean of the Faculty of Law of Lome,
- an American delegation led by the Professor Claire Moore Dickerson of Putgers New Jersey,
- a delegation from the OHADA Permanent Secretariat, led by the Permanent Secretary in the person of Mr. Koleka Boutora-Takpa.
- Factor in effectiveness of regional strategies
- Scope of application today and tomorrow
- OHADA and national jurisdictions.
- The dual category of business operators and specific provisions relating to traders
- Specific Rules and Regulations relating to the different business operators' groups (companies, economic interest groups) under OHADA law and use in Common law (continuation).
29/05/2007 21h44 SOH AMOS
C'est une très belle initiative que d'organiser ce type de seminaire dans un pays anglophone comme le GHANA. Ces pays ne doivent pas se sentir isolés.Les diversités linguistiques ne doivent pas constituer d'obstacle à l'intégration régionale. L'entrée probable du GHANA ds l'espace OHADA sera donc un exemple pour les autres pays anglophones .