Publication of a book titled “The Execution of Court Judgments under the OHADA Uniform Act on Simplified Recovery Procedures and Measures of Execution”
- 26/02/2013
- 7755
- 1 commentaire
We are pleased to inform you that a new book, “The Execution of Court Judgments under the OHADA Uniform Act on Simplified Recovery Procedures and Measures of Execution” was published in January 2013. Written in English and published by Presses universitaires d'Afrique (PUA), this meticulously researched book is co-authored by three Anglophone jurists, experts in OHADA law: Martha Simo Tumnde, Associate Professor of Law and Dean of the Faculty of Social and Management Sciences, University of Buea-Cameroon; Justin Melong, Jurist/Expert Trainer on OHADA Law, Pedagogic Relay at ERSUMA and Senior Legal Translator; Peter Monteh Tumnde, Senior Advocate, Member of the Cameroon Bar.
This collective work examines in detail the practice of execution and recovery of debts under the OHADA Uniform Act, as well as the difficulties in implementing this instrument in the seventeen OHADA member States, with particular emphasis on the Common Law jurisdictions of Cameroon.
Drawing on the rich experience of the authors, the text also examines more general issues relating to the implementation of this OHADA law in a bilingual and bijural environment.
This book, the first publication of its kind in English, is expected to be an important tool for Francophone as well as Anglophone law practitioners, academicians and researchers on OHADA law. It contains abundant cases that illustrate the practice in both Common Law and Civil Law jurisdictions.
The aim of the authors is not only to ensure better dissemination of OHADA laws in member States, but to inform practitioners and other stakeholders about methods to, and issues concerning, the enforcement of court decisions relating to the subject OHADA Uniform Act. The text's ultimate goal is to help create an investment-friendly climate through capacity-building. In particular, it seeks a better and more reliable interpretation and application of laws, including a better management of OHADA in the context of Common Law jurisdictions' specificities and peculiarities.
Cost of the Book: 15 000 CFAF (23 €), excluding delivery cost.
To obtain a copy, please contact:
Phone: +237 77 46 58 53
Joseph KAMGA
For further information, please contact:
Phone: +237 77 46 58 53
27/02/2013 13h44 ARZOUMA SAWADOGO
J'apprécie une telle publication. Je suis dans le secteur de la fiscalité, après des études en droits.
Je suis au Burkina Faso, à Ouagadougou et j'aimerais savoir si sur place je peux en obtenir une copie. S'il faut commander depuis le Cameroun, quel est le coût du transport.
Merci d'avance