

Publication of the New U.A organizing Collective Proceedings in the OHADA Official Gazette

  • 29/09/2015
  • 9068
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jo-ohada-aupc-revise-2015The new Uniform Act Organizing Collective Proceedings for the Wiping Off Debts which was adopted on September 10, 2015 in Grand-Bassam (Republic of Côte d'Ivoire) by the Council of Ministers of OHADA was published in the Official Gazette of the Organization on September 25, 2015. In compliance with Articles 9 of the OHADA Treaty and 258 of the U.A Organizing Collective Proceedings, the new instrument will enter into force 90 days as from this publication; this date corresponds to December 24, 2015.

The special issue of the OHADA Official Gazette devoted to the new U.A is available online and may be freely downloaded here -

The Permanent Secretary,
Pr Dorothé C. SOSSA

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