

International symposium “The African State in international arbitration” in Douala (CAMEROON), October 15, 2015

  • 05/10/2015
  • 6077
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Under the Patronage of the Cameroonian OHADA National Commission, the Association for the Promotion of Arbitration in Africa (APAA), in collaboration with the : United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL), ICC-International Court of Arbitration, French Committee of Arbitration (FCA), Common Court of Justice and Arbitration of OHADA (CCJA), Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA), International Center for the Settlement of Investments Disputes (ICSID), GICAM Arbitration Centre and CADEV Permanent Centre of Arbitration and Mediation, is organizing an international symposium on the theme “THE AFRICAN STATE IN INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION” in Douala (CAMEROON), October 15, 2015 at the Hotel Sawa, preceded on October 14, 2015, a promotional conference of the Mauritius International Arbitration Centre (MIAC) in collaboration with the International Council for Commercial Arbitration (ICCA).


The African economy has been dynamic in recent years. In this respect, in spite of the difficulties, among other things, to reduce the prices of raw materials and some epidemics, the IMF argues that Africa, particularly sub-Sahara, will remain one of the most dynamic regions with an expected increase in GDP of 4.5% in 2015 and 5.1% in 2016.

In this context, trade between international traders (including the States and other legal entities of public law in Africa) and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) to Africa are expected to increase.

However, trade and investment, notably international, are likely to give rise to disputes and arbitration has long been seen as constituting the most appropriate mode of settlement of such disputes.

The participation of the African state in international trade and its involvement in the research or the reception of FDI is that in African countries in general, the state is the engine of development; making it an effective actor in international commercial arbitration and arbitration in the field of investments.

Unfortunately, the impression is that with few exceptions, the State and other legal persons of public law in Africa are not always adequately addressed in international arbitration.

The Symposium organized by APAA therefore has as a general objective to reflect on the various issues related to the involvement of African states in international arbitration.


Besides the general objective above declined, the Colloquium's specific objectives are:

  1. identify and examine the causes of the lackluster participation of States and other legal entities of public law in Africa in international arbitration;
  2. propose actions to be taken by States and other legal entities of public law in Africa to optimize their participation in international arbitration.


This symposium is addressed to:

  1. executives in charge of States litigation and other African legal entities of public law knowing or called to know of international litigation
  2. judges, lawyers and court officers;
  3. economic operators;
  4. corporate lawyers;
  5. researchers as well as students majoring in the field of international disputes.


The symposium will benefit on the collaboration of international arbitral institutions and other famous arbitration organizations (ICC, ICSID, OHADA CCJA, UNCITRAL ...) managing or having specific ideas on arbitrations involving States and other legal persons of African public law.

It will be moderated by some of the best specialists in international arbitration.


The Symposium will be held at the Hotel Sawa Douala [rue de Verdun-Bonanjo, BP 2345 Douala, Tel: +237 233 50 14 00; Fax: +237 233 42 38 71 -]. Participants are invited to personally make their reservations, precising they are coming to participate in the Symposium of APAA on the 14 and 15 October, 2015, in order to benefit from the special prices rate negotiated by APAA at FCFA 60,000 or 92 Euros per night.

Participants who do not wish to reside at the Hotel Sawa can book in Pullman, located a hundred meters from Hotel Sawa or Somatel Hotel, located about two kilometers from the site of the Symposium and with a shuttle to transport participants.


  1. Nationals of African countries: FCFA 200 000 or 305 Euros;
  2. Nationals of non-African countries: FCFA 250 000 or 382 Euros.

The registration fee for the Symposium on October 15, 2015 result in the participation, on October 14th, 2015, from 2pm to 6pm, the promotional conference (Roadshow) of the Mauritius International Arbitration Centre (MIAC) and the International Council for Commercial Arbitration (ICCA) for the ICCA World Congress to be held in Africa, Mauritius (Mauritius), from 8 to 11 May 2016.


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