

Publication of the 28th Issue of the OHADA Official

joohadan28This important issue contains, in addition to the minutes of all meetings of the Council of Ministers held since 2012, the final communiqué of the Conference of Heads of State and Government held in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) on October 17, 2013 on the occasion of the celebration of the 20th anniversary of OHADA. Also included are Regulations and Decisions relating to the program on the harmonization of business law, the creation of an OHADA Internal Audit Committee, the Internal Audit Charter of the Organization and appointments to various positions.

The 28th Issue of the OHADA Official Gazette is available in hard copy at the Permanent Secretariat in Yaoundé and costs one thousand (1000) CFA francs. It can be freely downloaded online.

The Permanent Secretary
Prof. Dorothé C. SOSSA


  • 29/03/2016 15h45 TIA VEH

    Personnellement, je ne parviens pas à ouvrir le fichier. il semblerait qu'il soit corrompu. Je vous saurais infiniment gré de revoir.
    Bien à vous!

  • 15/03/2016 15h14 EDOUARD KALEMBA

    Mes compliments à tous (tes) les amis(es) des clubs et associations OHADA.

    Pourriez-vous me mettre en contact avec les amis (es) des clubs et associations OHADA du monde?
    Pcq je viens de faire une formation sur la comptabilité OHADA afin qu'on puisse commencer à échanger.

    Ma considération parfaite.

  • 13/03/2016 05h25 ANTOINE

    Félicitations pour l'intérêt de la science.

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