

Launching of the OHADA Club of North America / New York / March 28, 6 pm

We have the pleasure of announcing the launching of the CLUB OHADA OF NORTH AMERICA; this OHADA Club is open to all those willing to promote the OHADA common system of business laws in North America and our main and sole purpose is the vulgarization and information of law practitioners located here in the US and Canada about OHADA. Most of us have practiced and are still practicing "OHADA LAWS" in our countries of origin. The creation of this club does not undermine the meeting scheduled by the African Committee in New York, and as a tradition of the OHADA Clubs, the CLUB OHADA OF NORTH AMERICA will be conducting conferences with Law School's Associations in Comparative law or International law societies. Date and Place: March 28, 2008 6 pm LAW OFFICES OF GNOLEBA SERI 116 West 111th. Street, New York, NY 10026 Tel.: 212-864-0724 Fax: 212-222-2680 "AFRICAN WINES" will be served fro Free. CLUB OHADA OF NORTH AMERICA 116 West 111th. Street, New York, NY 10026 Tel.: 212-864-0724 Fax: 212-222-2680 President: Guy Christian AGBOR, Esq, CIT. Vice President: Gnoleba SERI, Esq., 1st Vice President Washington Area: Egbe Solomon, Esq. 1st Vice President Mid-West Area: Arrey Obenson, Esq. 1st Vive President Florida: George Fonyam For all information, you may contact Mr. Christian AGBOR:


  • 29/03/2008 12h24 ME CHEIKHOU OUMAR SALL

    all our congratulations for this iniative
    hope taht it will play a great part for promoting OHADA beyond Africa

  • 28/03/2008 11h34 JOSEPHKOLIE

    I am very happy to hear and to see that OHADA become a great organization despite it was so I would be happy to participate if the dream will be a real rock. I would like also more information about when you deceade de become a member.

  • 28/03/2008 08h35 MBAYE SECK

    Hello, I'm senegalese man and I'm very happy for this action in north america.
    Greatings from Senegal, Dakar, GENI, SANKALE & KEBE Avocates'office, 47, Bld de la République, Immeuble SORANO, Tél: 221 33 821 19 16.

  • 27/03/2008 20h30 ME GUY LOANDO

    it is with a great pleasure that I greet this initiative of the creation of a club ohada in America of the seized this opprtunity for explimer my wishes to be able to form part of this club qu I is registered, because being myself an active member pôur assuerer lapromotion and the popularization of the right that prone the OHADA

  • 27/03/2008 20h37 FERNAND FONKUI

    La Fédération Camerounaise des Clubs (FCCO)souhaite la bienvenue à ce nouveau club, qui contribuera à repandre le droit OHADA dans toute l'Amerique du Nord.

    Président de la FCCO.
    BP 8037 yaoundé
    tel: 99 44 93 59

  • 27/03/2008 12h45 CYRILLE NGON

    i would like to be part of this North America club can i have more information about it.

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