

OHADA job opportunities

The Organization for the Harmonization of Business Law in Africa (OHADA) is recruiting high-level candidates to fill vacancies within its Institutions based in Yaoundé, Abidjan and Porto-Novo :

For the Permanent Secretariat of OHADA (SPO) - Place of posting: Yaounde (Cameroon):

  • A Director of Legal Affairs, Documentation and Communication (Ref DAJDC-SPO) - see job description
  • A Service Head of Documentation and Official Journal (Ref.: CSDJO-SPO) - see job description

For the Common Court of Justice and Arbitration (CCJA) - Place of posting: Abidjan (Côte d'Ivoire):

For the Higher Regional School of Magistracy (ERSUMA) - Place of posting: Port-Novo (Benin):

Complete application files should be sent before January 2, 2017 at the following e-mail address:

The file shall comprise:

  • A letter of motivation dated and signed;
  • A certified copy of diploma (s);
  • A detailed curriculum vitae containing the contacts details of 3 reference persons;
  • An extract of criminal record dating less than 3 months;
  • An extract of birth certificate or any document in lieu thereof;
  • A certificate of nationality.

Kindly be informed that incomplete files will be rejected.

Kindly indicate in the subject of your email the reference of the position to which you are applying.


  • 19/12/2016 08h50 KOUAMÉ LUCIE MARIE-AXELLE

    Bonjour Mme/Mr
    Je suis étudiante en Master 2 de Droit privé option judiciaire à l'Université Catholique de l'Afrique de l'Ouest. Je voudrais par la présente, solliciter auprès de votre haute bienveillance un emploi au sein de votre organisation en vue de parfaire mes connaissances en Droit Ohada. je me tiens à votre disposition pour un entretien. Je vous prie d'agréer ma candidature. Je répond au numero suivant : 225 58 02 38 33.

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