

Publication du Guide d'arbitrage de la CCJA-OHADA

The Common Court of Justice and Arbitration, with financial assistance from the World Bank Group, recently published its arbitration guide prefaced by Mrs. Flora DALMEIDA MELE, President of the CCJA.

The Guide provides an overview of the scope of the CCJA arbitration, including investment arbitration. The reader will also find therein a presentation of the CCJA Arbitration Center, both in terms of its institutional architecture and in relation to its role in the administration of arbitration proceedings. Furthermore, the Guide defines the role of the CCJA in the post-arbitration phase. Various annexes supplement the document and provide the reader with useful and varied information on arbitration fees, how arbitrators' fees are distributed, the CCJA arbitration clause, how to enter the list of CCJA arbitrators ...

Business operators, legal advisers, bankers, arbitration professionals and academics will find in this Guide precise and useful information, presented simply and updated, on the arbitration system of the CCJA and its competitive advantages compared to the solutions proposed by other arbitral institutions.

The CCJA-OHADA Arbitration Guide, which is already available and distributed free of charge at CCJA headquarters and freely downloadable online, will be translated in English and Spanish in the coming weeks.

The Permanent Secretary
Prof. Dorothé C. SOSSA


  • 17/05/2017 10h34 WEKIN STEVE

    Bonjour !
    Non Mamadi ik s'agit du tout premier guide sur l'arbitrage publié la CCJA

  • 13/05/2017 13h45 NARCISSE AKA

    Il s'agit du premier guide officiel sur l'arbitrage CCJA-OHADA publié par la haute juridiction communautaire, avec l'appui financier du Groupe de la Banque Mondiale.

  • 13/05/2017 03h21 MAMADY DABO

    Bien,bonjour:je suis nouveau sur ce site. je veux savoir,si ce guide vient remplacé l'ancien ou il y'en avait pas.

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