

The Council of Ministers of OHADA Meets in Conakry

afficheConakry, the capital city of the Republic of Guinea, is hosting for the first time in its history, a Session of the Council of Ministers of OHADA. In Sheraton Grand Hotel in Conakry and on 8 and 9 June 2017, the Ministers in charge of justice and the Ministers in charge of finance of the seventeen Member States of OHADA will deliberate on various issues relating to the life of the Organization. The meeting agenda includes, inter alia, the adoption of the draft Regulation on the harmonization of practices of accounting and audit professionals, as a prelude to the forthcoming entry into force of the new Uniform Act on Accounting law and Financial Reporting.

As of Monday 5 June 2017, the Committee of Experts will meet to carry out the technical preparation of this 44th Session of the Council of Ministers, presided over by the Republic of Guinea for the current year.

The Session's Report will soon be available on


  • 05/06/2017 18h43 ARCENE KAMBA

    C'est une bonne chose. pensez aussi au libre échange entre les pays menbres

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