


OHADAC signs a Cooperation Agreement with the Cuban Court of International Commercial Arbitration

  • 16/07/2017
  • 4885
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photo1ACP Legal Association, which manages the project for the Organization for Harmonization of Business Law in the Caribbean (OHADAC), signed a Cooperation Agreement with the Cuban Court of International Commercial Arbitration (CCACI) on June 30, 2017, at the National Hotel of CUBA, Havana-CUBA. The official signing ceremony marked the culmination of three days of an OHADAC seminar, co-organized by the Cuban Court of International Arbitration and the National Union of Cuban Jurists.

The agreement was signed by Mrs. Catherine SARGENTI, President of ACP Legal Association of Guadeloupe, and Professor Rodolfo DAVALOS FERNANDEZ, President of the CCACI. It signifies official support of the CCACI for the OHADAC project and formalizes the collaboration between the two organizations for the launch of initiatives and activities to establish a Caribbean Centre for International Commercial Arbitration, and broadly, in the implementation of a harmonized framework of business law in the Caribbean.

photo2The signing ceremony was witnessed by representatives of the Cuban Government, including The Minister of Foreign Trade and Investment, Mr. Rodrigo MALMIERCA DIAZ; the President of the Chamber of Commerce of Cuba, Mr. Orlando HERNANDEZ GUILLÉN and the President of the Union of Jurists of Cuba, Mr. José Alexis GINARTE GATO.

It is important to note that ACP Legal will be assisted by the CCACI and its technical and financial partners to pursue the next steps of the OHADAC project. OHADAC's next steps include the launch of the OHADAC Regional Centre for Arbitration “ORCA”, the training of arbitrators and more broadly, the promotion of the OHADAC project to play a part in promoting regional integration of Caribbean countries.

For further information, please contact:

Dr. Jean Alain Penda

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