

Visit Of The Permanent Secretary Of Ohada to the Kingdom Of Morocco

  • 15/09/2017
  • 6947
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Casablanca and Rabat (Morocco), from 11 to 16 September 2017.

photo5The Permanent Secretary of OHADA, Professor Dorothé Cossi SOSSA, accompanied by the Director of Legal Affairs of the Organization are on a working visit from 11 to 16 September 2017 in Casablanca and Rabat (Morocco), with a view to meeting the country's authorities, investors and the business community. The visit is within the framework of the promotion of OHADA law in this country and the rapprochement between OHADA and Morocco.

photo6During the mission, the Permanent Secretary of OHADA was successively received at the Palace of the Kingdom by the Secretary General of the Government, Mr. Mohamed HAJOUD, the Advisor to His Majesty King Mohamed VI, Mr. Omar AZZIMAN, the Minister of Justice H.E. Mohamed AUAJJAR, the Director of the Higher Institute of Magistracy Mr. Abdelmajid RHOMIJA, the First President of the Cour de Cassation of Morocco, Mr. Mostafa FARESS, the President of the International Court of Arbitration of Morocco, Dr. Mohamed ELAOUAD and some Moroccan law firms operating in the OHADA area.

photo7On this occasion, the Permanent Secretary presented OHADA to his interlocutors, highlighting the strengths and opportunities offered by the OHADA legal system. He discussed with the various personalities the prospects of rapprochement and cooperation in areas of common interest.

photo8The various personalities met during the mission congratulated the Permanent Secretary of OHADA for the work accomplished and for the success of the Organization beyond the borders of Africa. The Permanent Secretary received medals from some institutions visited and signed the guest book of the Cour de cassation of Morocco. In return, the Permanent Secretary offered OHADA's Code verts to his interlocutors, and praised the exceptional availability and receptiveness of the Moroccan authorities.

The Permanent Secretary of OHADA thanks the authorities of the Kingdom of Morocco for the warm welcome given to his delegation and the fruitful exchanges that followed.

The Permanent Secretary,
Pr. Dorothé C. SOSSA

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