

Training on the new Uniform Act on Accounting Law and Financial Reporting, from 18th to 20th December 2017, Dakar, Senegal

  • 13/11/2017
  • 8529
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The new OHADA accounting framework will soon enter into force. The Higher Regional School of Magistracy (ERSUMA) of the Organization for Harmonization of Business Law in Africa (OHADA) is organizing a training session in Dakar (SENEGAL) from 18 to 20 December 2017 on the theme “Applying the new Uniform Act on Accounting Law and Financial Reporting (AUDCIF): requirements, techniques and methods”.

Kindly find below the details of this training:

Venue: Fleur de Lys Hotel, Dakar-Plateau, 64 Felix Faure Street, Dakar, Senegal
Duration / dates: Three (03) days, from Monday 18th to Wednesday 20th December 2017

Target audience: Chartered Accountants, accounting and financial directors, administrative and financial managers, Heads of accountants services, officials and staff of public administrative units, employees of accounting departments, auditors, financiers, magistrates, notaries, lawyers, bailiffs, legal representatives, corporate lawyers, managers, academics, economic operators, and any other person dealing with accounting.

Trainers: Mr Oumar SAMBE and Mr Joel MABUDU.

The trainers of this first edition organized by ERSUMA are both Certified Accountants and key authors of the new OHADA accounting standards.

Registration requirements:

  • Fill and send the registration form to the ERSUMA;
  • Pay the training costs of 450,000 FCFA. A 10% discount is granted per group of at least three (03) registrations.

Students, PhD students and trainee accountants wishing to take part in this training benefit from a 40% reduction on the amount of the training costs, provided they prove their status by sending an application to the Director General of ERSUMA at with the following documents:

  • For students: a scanned copy of the student's registration certificate;
  • For trainee accountants: a letter of recommendation from their training supervisor.

The training costs cover teaching tools and materials, coffee breaks and lunch during the training days. Travel, accommodation and other catering costs shall be borne by the participant.

Proposed accommodation: Hôtel Fleur de Lys Plateau

  • Standard room with breakfast and overnight tax: 56.000FCFA
  • Room category “Suite” with breakfast and overnight tax: 100.000 FCFA

For any reservation, please contact Ms. Amina Dia NGAIDO, kindly indicate that you are part of the group for the ERSUMA training.

Tel: +221 33 849 46 00, Cell: +221 77 534 79 82 - 70 842 90 18

NB: the shuttle service is not included in the booking.

Kindly find attached:

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