

Visit of the Permanent Secretary of OHADA in Canada

  • 02/05/2018
  • 5406
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photo2At the invitation of the Dean of the Faculty of Law of University of Montréal, the Permanent Secretary Professor Dorothé Cossi Sossa, accompanied by the Director of Legal Affairs of the Organization, had a working visit from the 22 to 26th day of April, 2018 in Montreal (Quebec, Canada), in order to meet with Canadian Academics and other Quebec economic actors, in view to bring awareness and promote OHADA Law in North America.

During this Mission, the Permanent Secretary had a working session with the Dean of the Faculty of Law of University of Montréal, Professor Jean François Gaudreault-Desbiens, in presence of the Director of International Affairs, the Director of the Observatory of Economic Integration, the Director of Center for Research in Public Law, the Director of Cyberjustice Laboratory, the Director of Access of Law and Justice, the Dean's Assistant and Professor Emmanuel S. Darankoum.

The Permanent Secretary equally held a conference at the Faculty of Law of University of Montréal where he presented to the public comprising of Scholars, Researchers, Student, and Professors of private sector what OHADA is all about. During the conference which aroused keen interest, the Permanent Secretary highlighted the strengths and opportunities of OHADA legal system. This was followed by several presentations related to University of Montréal and University of Montréal's School of Philosophy of Law, the Observatory of Economic Integration, the Research Center in Public Law, the Cyberjustice Laboratory, the Access to Law and Justice, the circulation of Law between Jurisdiction (Comparative Law and Economic Analysis), the Center of Business Law and International Trade.

After the visit to the University of Montréal, the Permanent Secretary had a stopover at the “HEC Montréal” school where he was received by the Director of International Activities and mobility of students, Professor Hassan N. Taghval, the Director of Administration Madam Agnes Darmaillacq and other lecturers of the prestigious school.

During this stay, the Permanent Secretary also met successively with M. Pierre Marc Johnson, former Prime Minister of Quebec, business lawyer with Lavery de Billy law office, who intervene in many OHADA member states, Barrister Jules Bernier, member of the International Influence Committee of Montréal Bar and in charge of OHADA Committee of Montréal Bar, Professor Adelle Blackett of the Faculty of Law of McGill University, Professor Arthur Oulaï of University of Sherbrooke, Professor Karounga Diawara and Charles Moumouni of University of Laval and equally Madam Anima Gerba of the “Afrique Expansion” Enterprise and newly appointed by the government of Quebec as the President of the council of Administration of “Entreprendre ici”.

The Permanent Secretary discussed with the different personalities the prospect of integration and cooperation in the areas of common interest. He applauded the creation of OHADA committee at the Montréal Bar, the introduction of OHADA law courses at the University of Laval and the enthusiasm shown by the researchers at the University of Montréal, Shebrooke and Laval universities, McGill and the “HEC Montréal” school for OHADA legal system, which shows the growing international recognition of the Organization while encouraging the dissemination and extension of OHADA law in Canada to extend to business communities.

The various personalities met congratulated the Permanent Secretary of OHADA for the work accomplished and the success of the organization that transcends African borders.

The Permanent Secretary thanked the various authorities for the warm and quality reception given to him and his delegation, the fruitful exchanges made and for the projects in line with the development of knowledge of OHADA in North America.

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The Permanent Secretary,
Prof. Dorothé C. SOSSA.

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