

Training for qualifications on the Uniform Acts: The new Uniform Acts on Arbitration and mediation in the OHADA space from 23rd to 27th July 2018 in Porto-Novo (Benin)

  • 12/07/2018
  • 5976
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The Higher Regional School of Magistracy (ERSUMA) of the Organization for the Harmonization of Business Law in Africa (OHADA), organises from 23rd to 27th July 2018, a training for qualifications on the topic: “The new Uniform Acts on Arbitration and mediation in the OHADA space”.

The purpose of this session is to build the auditors capacity for the technical and legal preparation and the mastering of the alternative modes of dispute resolution, the speed and effectiveness of arbitration proceedings in the OHADA space.

Venue: ERSUMA headquarters in Porto-Novo (Benin)

Duration/dates: Five (05) days, from 23rd to 27th July 2018

Target audience: Judges, arbitrators, mediators, managers of arbitration and mediation centres, chartered accountants, notaries, lawyers, bailiffs, legal representatives, banks advisers, insurance advisers, corporate advisers, economic operators, managers, scholars and anyone interested.


  • Mr. Gaston KENFACK DOUAJNI, High Judge, Doctor in Private Law, President of OHADA National Commission of Cameroon, Chairman of the Association pour la Promotion de l'Arbitrage en Afrique (APAA), Arbitrator
  • Maître Elvire VIGNON, Honorary Lawyer in Benin, Arbitrator, Mediator
  • Maître Narcisse AKA, Lawyer, General secretary of CCJA's Arbitration Centre of OHADA

Registration requirements:

  • Registration forms for individuals, organization or company are available online on the links below:;

A discount of 10% will be granted to a group with three (03) registrations from a company or an organization.

Students and postgraduates willing to attend the training will be given 40% discount on the training cost subject to proving their status by submitting an application to ERSUMA General Director at, with a scanned copy of the registration certificate.

The training costs cover the equipments and teaching materials, coffee breaks, lunch during the training. Travel, accommodation and other restoration expenses shall be borne by the participant. For further information on the proposed accommodation, kindly contact us.

Registrations can be done:

  • At the Higher Regional School of Magistracy;
  • At OHADA Permanent Secretariat;
  • At the Common Court of Justice and Arbitration.


Higher Regional School of Magistracy (ERSUMA)
Porto-Novo - Bénin
Ouando, Carrefour Cinquantenaire - Route de Pobè
Tel: +229 20 24 58 04 / 97 97 05 37 / 95 40 31 90
E-mail: /

OHADA Permanent Secretariat
Yaoundé - Cameroun
Hippodrome face au MINREX
Tel: +237 222 21 09 05 / 671 30 20 01
E-mail: /

Common Court of Justice and Arbitration (CCJA)
Abidjan - Côte d'Ivoire
Plateau, Avenue Dr JAMOT, Angle Boulevard CARDE
Tel: +225 07 44 41 95 / 07 91 24 70
E-mail: /

Download online the 2018 training catalog with the link below:

“ERSUMA, for an effective and efficient rule of law”

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The Permanent Secretary,
Prof. Dorothé C. SOSSA.

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