OHADA / ERSUMA / NIGER / Training for qualification on the practice of mediation in OHADA Zone, from May 13 to 17, 2019 in Niamey - Advance level (Unique session of the year)
The High Regional School of Magistracy (ERSUMA) of the Organization for the Harmonization of Business Law in Africa (OHADA) in partnership with the Association of African centers of Arbitration and Mediation (ACAM) and the Mediation, Arbitration Center of Niamey (CMAN) organizes from May13 to 17, 2019 a unique annual advanced training session for qualifications on: “PRACTICE OF MEDIATION IN OHADA ZONE”.
This session is an advanced training course mainly for people already initiated to mediation. It will be conducted essentally through pratical exercises and role play.
Venue: Grand Hôtel, Niamey (Niger)
Duration/dates: Five (5) days, from May 13 to 17, 2019, from 8 o'clock a.m to 2:30 pm
Target audience: Mediators, promotors, executives, managers and agents from Mediation institutions, judges, lawyers, notaries, bailiffs, judicial agents, corporate and banks lawyers, chartered accountants, managers, CEOs, company's directors, economic opeartors, academics and anyone else who has already attended initial training on mediation.
- Mrs Bintou BOLY DJIBO, Business Lawyer, Arbitrator, Mediator, Permanent Secretary of the Arbitration, Mediation and conciliation Center of Ouagadougou (CAMCO)
- Mrs Myriam BACQUE, Chairperson of AROME Mediation. International Consultant in Mediation.
To register:
- Download one of our individual or organization/enterprise registration forms by clicking on one of the links below:
- Fill and send the form by electronic mail to the addresses herein: ersuma@ohada.org and olory-togbe.ersuma@ohada.org
- Pay the training fees for the training course at 400,000 CFA F
A discount of 10% will be granted to companies or organizations with a minimum of three (3) registrations.
Students and PhD students willing to attend this training shall enjoy a 40% discount on the training fees when they prove their status by sending a request together with a scanned copy of the student registration certificate to the General Director of ERSUMA at ersuma@ohada.org,
The training fees shall cover the training materials and equipments, coffee and lunch breaks on the training days. The participant shall bear travel, accommodation and other expenses.
For any information about accommodation, please contact us.
A limited number of place available
Registration and payments shall be made at:
High Regional School of Magistracy (ERSUMA)
Porto-Novo - Bénin / Ouando, Carrefour Cinquantenaire - Pobé Road
Phone: +229 20 24 58 04 / 97 97 05 37 / 95 40 31 90
E-mail: ersuma@ohada.org/olory-togbe.ersuma@ohada.org
The Mediation and Arbitration Center of Niamey (CMAN)
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Niger, Place de la Concertation Niamey
phone: +227 20 34 00 58
E-mail: cman.ccin@gmail.com / abdouzakari.abz@gmail.com
Website: www.cman.ne
Permanent Secretary of OHADA
Yaoundé - Cameroun / Hippodrome opposite MINREX
Phone: +237 222 21 09 05 / 652 62 64 92
E-mail: secretariat@ohada.org / along.sp@ohada.org
Common Court of Justice and Arbitration (CCJA)
Abidjan - Côte d'Ivoire / Plateau, Avenue Dr JAMOT, Angle Boulevard CARDE
Tél: +225 07 44 41 95 / 07 91 24 70
E-mail: ccja@ohada.org / adjoumani.ccja@ohada.org
Download online the 2019 trainings catalogue by clicking on the Link below:
“ERSUMA, for an effective and efficient rule of Law”
Keep up with all the institutional news about OHADA on www.ohada.org and subscribe to the Newsletter to stay informed.
The Permanent Secretary,
Prof. Dorothé C. SOSSA