

Francophonie Summit - Ouagadougou - November 26-27, 2004 (Telecoms and Internet Regulatory Reform in sub-Saharan Africa)

  • 03/12/2004
  • 11455
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Please note that you can have access to the Final Declaration of the Francophonie Summit - Ouagadougou - November 26, 27, 2004 and to the General Preparatory Speech of the OIF Secretary General, His Excellency, President Abdou DIOUF, on the website. Let us stress the utmost importance of the following paragraph of the Final Declaration which had already been outlined in the General Preparatory Speech of the Secretary General, President Abdou DIOUF: « Nous porterons une attention particulière à la refonte et à la modernisation du cadre réglementaire des télécommunications » (We will pay a very special attention to the implementation of a modernized telecoms and Internet legal and regulatory framework). Indeed, and very probably like most of you, we deem that this paragraph could herald the implementation by the Heads of States of a major legal and regulatory reform, maybe on a continental scale, in the essential field of Telecoms and of the Internet. Such a legal and regulatory reform could indeed constitute an immense step forward for the enhancement of the Internet and broadband connectivity in Africa (go to Plaidoyer de l'Association UNIDA pour le lancement d'un programme Afrique Numérique ont the website). We also hail the fact that this paragraph signals the will of the Heads of States to see the Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie (OIF), especially its Secretary General, His Excellency President Abdou DIOUF, play a prominent role in the definition and monitoring of a landmark reform which will pave the way for easier and much cheaper access to the Internet and to broadband services for the largest possible number of sub-Saharan African Countries. As a matter of fact and as most of you are aware, President Abdou DIOUF when he was acting President of Senegal, played an instrumental role and gave a very active political support to President Kéba MBAYE who, at the request of the Heads of States, was in charge in the early 90's of the implementation of the OHADA business law unification process. The historic success OHADA is currently experiencing on the ground, as well as the great success of the CIMA reform implementing a common insurance legal and regulatory framework (the CIMA reform was also started at the beginning of the 90's) bode very well for the success of the future Telecoms and Internet regulatory reform,under the stewardship of His Excellency, President Abdou DIOUF, who will probably work in very close cooperation with all the parties involved, especially the African Union, NEPAD and the Community of Donors.

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