

Minutes of the 48th meeting of the Council of Ministers of OHADA, Bissau, October 2, 2019

Bissau, October 2, 2019

photoThe Council of Ministers of the Organization for the Harmonization of Business Law in Africa (OHADA) held its 48th meeting on October 1st and 2nd, 2019 in the Conference room of Ceiba hotel in Bissau.

The opening ceremony was chaired by M. Armando MANGO, representing the Prime Minister of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau, whose opening address followed the indroductory speech of Professor Emmanuel Sibidi DARANKOUM, Permanent Secretary of OHADA.

The session was chaired by H.E Ruth MONTEIRO, Minister of Justice and Human Rights of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau and current chairperson of the Council of Ministers of OHADA.

In addition to the now traditional discussion with the Organization's Technical and Financial Partners, the Council of Ministers examined the financial documents and approved OHADA's budget for the 2020 activity year.

Concerning the legislative activities, the Council of Ministers authorized the Permanent Secretary to conduct an exploratory study on the possible inclusion of electronic transactions in OHADA business Law.

Concerning the operational capacity bulding of the institutions, the Council of Ministers has elected Mr Mounetaga DIOUF Judge and Senegal national and Mr Sabiou MAMANE NAISSA judge and Niger national as judges at Common Court of Justice and Arbitration.

H.E. Aristides GOMES, Prime Minister of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau closed the session.

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The Permanent Secretary
Prof. Emmanuel Sibidi DARANKOUM


  • 10/10/2019 10h49 ME ERIC NZUZI A LUKENI

    Comment se présente le budget 2020?

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