Publication by Editions Presses Universitaires Libres of a new handbook on OHADA: The approach to the Business fund in the OHADA System
It is with pleasure that we announce the bilingual English / French publication of "The approach to the Business fund in the OHADA System".
All businessmen thanks to their competence in putting together a certain number of corporeal and incorporeal elements, possess some capital. This cornestone of the OHADA common business law is regulated by the Uniform Act relating to General Commercial Law.
The authors of this book are Mr. Jean GATSI, Ph.D. in Law, Senior Law Lecturers at the Faculty of Juridical and Political Sciences, University of Douala, Cameroon and Mr Martin KAMAKO, Barrister and Solicitor, member of the Cameroon Bar Association
In order to permit the economic operators to handle their activities properly within the framework of the legal rules arising from the Business Law in Africa, this book touches on an essential point: the notion of business capital, especially the different types of operations on capital, such as, the sale, the lease and the pledge of capital. All these developments integrate the fiscal issues inherent in the different operations in order to permit the reader to have a complete view of business capital within the preview of OHADA.
The book also contains a number of models and acts, ready to be used, by businessmen and legal practitioners. The fundamental particularity lies in its bilingual character which is the contributing factors in the vulgarisation and dissemination of the OHADA literature within the Anglophone world.
Being of great necessity, this book ensures a proper securitisation of business capital within the framework of the rules arising from the OHADA Treaty of Port-Louis.
Publication was made possible by financial support from the African Association for a Unified System of Business Laws (UNIDA), Mr. Kéba MBAYE, Chair, and its website, This handbook is indispensable to practitioners, businessmen and academicians.
The Book is for sale (7 000 FCFA) at the following bookshops:
1° - Vicaire OUAFO BEPYASSI: +736 25 25
2° - Guy cyrille MBONJI BILLE: +777 17 68
3° - AVUDRA, Face usine Sic cacaos, Douala: +775 21 02
Librairie Papyrus Afrique
Face Hôtel Akwa Place, Boulevard de la Liberté
B.P. 2580 Douala
Tel.: +237 342 32 66
Librairie Lipacam
406 Boulevard de la Liberté Douala
Tel.: +237 222 08 93
Messapresse Douala et Yaoundé
Editions Eburnie
01 B.P. 1984 Abidjan 01
Tel.: +225 20 21 57 58
Cotonou - BENIN
Editions Ruisseaux d'Afrique
Tel.: / Fax: +229 38 31 86
Libreville - GABON
Editions du Silence
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For more information, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Jean-Alain M. PENDA, OHADA Club, United Kingdom, tel.: +44 7814 172 984, contact: