OHADA / NIGERIA / The 2009 OHADA International Conference: Harmonising Business Laws in Africa - 3rd June, 2009, LAGOS
- 01/06/2009
- 6105
- 1 commentaire
I have the privilege and honour, on behalf of OHADA Nigeria, to announce that the 2009 OHADA International Conference and Book Presentation which will D.V. take place on Wednesday, 3rd June, 2009 at the Metropolitan Club, Victoria, Island, Lagos.
Theme: Harmonising Business Laws in Africa.
Ohada is an Organisation for the Harmonisation of Business Laws in Africa, and exists all over the world for the promotion of harmonization of business laws in Africa. Ohada Treaty and Laws provide a secured legal environment for investments through the provisions of Uniform Acts in all members States. Although Nigeria is yet to join the Ohada Treaty States, Nigerian professionals, businessmen and companies play active role in investments in these countries.
This year's conference is aimed at creating awareness and bringing the knowledge of Ohada Laws to the doorsteps of all stakeholders including businessmen and lawyers whose business cut across borders in Africa, the Government whose policies determine the creation of conduisive investment climate in Nigeria and the Ecowas Region, the Legislature who makes laws in this regard and the Judiciary that will interprete the laws.
Conference Registration Fee - N25.000.00 or $200. - Payment by check in favour of Ohada Nigeria Ltd/GTE
Download the final programme
Akin Akinbote, President
Tel.: 08023210692
Email: akinbote200@yahoo.fr
Alex Muoka, Secretary
Tel. : 08033009242
Email: amuoka_co@hotmail.com
Morenike Obi-Farinde, Treasurer
Tel. : 08023062014
Email: mobifarinde@msn.com
Lateef Ajayi, Financial Secretary
Tel. : 08077615171
Email: lateef.ajayi@ubagroup.com
01/06/2009 23h36 NDAMTANG ARISTIDE
Since i've been reading lot of informations about OHADA i'm now so proud to be an African.The way is still long and it'll be very hard to reach the scope but i keep thinking that we africans can do it.We can create our own economic union and make it function like the European one.They're not gods or monsters in order to think that what they have done we are unable to do it.
Just one word to say let's continue building our economic integretion without leaving apart the political and moreover the all sector integretion