

Publication by Mondexperts of a new handbook: « Audit et Révision des Comptes: Aspects Internationaux et Espace OHADA »

It is with pleasure we announce that the publishers of Mondexperts ( have just published « Audit et Révision des Comptes: Aspects Internationaux et Espace OHADA » a book of 729 pages. As a useful handbook, it serves as a practical guide with 60 exercises. - The first part of the book is devoted to define the accounting framework on auditing. Further, it gives details and theoretical aspects relating to the history, implementation, analysis, concepts, rules and principles of auditing. - In the second part, it examines the practical organisation and implementation of auditing. This concerns a detailed plan of the objectives and classification of auditing files. - Thirdly, it discuss on the methodology and results of auditing. - Lastly, it presents a study of preparing auditing reports and many other practical exercises. This book is beneficial to: - to teachers, researchers and post-graduate students of accounting, - to accounting and finance experts of enterprises working within the OHADA zone, - to professionals. This book is available at 25000 FCFA (excluding transportation cost) in Abidjan (Cote d'Ivoire). For all further information, please do contact Mondexperts: Thank you for your kind attention for sharing this information for the progress of the OHADA Law.


  • 17/03/2020 11h58 DAOUDA SOUMAH

    bonjour, je suis en fin de cycle mater2, option: comptabilité, contrôle et audit, votre livre m'intéressé.

  • 07/12/2016 10h28 ERICOSATAUD MAKELE

    Bonjour, je suis étudiant au CESAG- Dakar et je voudrais savoir, où est ce que je peux me procurer ce livre à Dakar; ou comment faire pour avoir ce livre.

    Je vous remercie

    Ericostaud MAKELE

  • 12/04/2016 19h52 BEN LEZA

    Les publications sur l'administration et autres politiques sociales des pays membres pour permettre qu'ils soient en ordres et adapter sur leurs réalités.

  • 18/02/2013 15h34 DJINGUEBAYE

    merci de mettre a la disposition des comptables des documents de travail,je veux lire la version électronique avant de chercher le livre

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