


Launch of the ERSUMA training and conference catalogue for the year 2023

In carrying out its statutory mission of capacity building in OHADA law and any other African community law, the High Regional School of Magistracy (ERSUMA) of the Organization for the Harmonization of Business Law in Africa (OHADA) is launching its new training and conference catalogue for the year 2023.

Fourteen (14) training sessions and eight (08) scientific events including six (06) international conferences and two (02) international colloquiums are scheduled to be held in different countries, either in face-to-face learning, distance learning or in blended learning mode, while strictly complying with the preventative measures and taking into account the geographical distribution of the OHADA Member States.

In this catalogue, the offered trainings and scientific events are chronologically listed according to their completion date and each one will be presented in detail and will be available not only on the official website of OHADA but also on our online payment platform

The present catalogue does not take into account the trainings and conferences to be carried out in execution of partnership contracts that ERSUMA has signed with professional orders and other public or private organisations.

The companies or organisations having identified a need for training or a conference may also call upon the expertise of ERSUMA for the scientific, pedagogical and material preparation and the conduct of the desired activities.

Mr. Director-General of ERSUMA and all his team wish you all the best for the year 2023.

Download the 2023 catalogue by clicking on the following link:

Our contacts :

02 BP 353 Porto-Novo, Republic of Benin
Tel.: +229 20 24 58 04 / 97 97 05 37
Official website of the OHADA:


  • 20/10/2023 150348 ARIAS NAKO TOLLOUM

    Je voudrais avoir un programme de formation le statut des projets et leur spécialité.

  • 04/08/2023 111149 MOUSSA SAMB

    Bonjour, j'aimerais avoir des information sur les formation de l'année 2024.

  • 13/07/2023 111146 VICTOIRE HELENE NJOH

    bonjour j'aimerais avoir le programme des autres formations s'il vous plait merci.

  • 22/06/2023 010108 KIBELELO MARDOUCHIN EXEL

    Salut, est-il possible d'avoir plus d'informations concernant les formations et séminaires pour le mois de septembre 2023?

  • 18/04/2023 210947 JSF

    Aidez moi à m'inscrire au séminaire des 12 au 16 juin en RDC. Urgent. Je n'y arrive pas avec le lien y relatif. SOS

  • 12/04/2023 160437 AMAMISSA


    J'aimerais bien être informé des programmes de formations, colloques et autres

  • 01/03/2023 160447 MBOKWETE BUSHA PONGO

    J'aimerais avoir des informations sur les programmes de cette année. MERCI

  • 17/02/2023 231153 NOUHAN SACKO

    Je souhaiterais participer à des modules de formation pour l’année en cours

  • 17/02/2023 090900 SORHO GNINAFOLO

    bonjour mme, mr,

    je souhaiterais avoir les formations 2023.


  • 09/02/2023 101004 JNGAMGNE@GMAIL.COM

    Bonjour à tous. Je voudrais avoir des informations sur le programme des formations en Droit des Affaires.

  • 22/01/2023 200826 KONGOLI BEHOLO SAINT CLAIR

    Salut mes chers collègues et je souhaite une bonne année 2023

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