International Conference / International Marketplace / Law Society of England and Wales / London / November 24, 2009
- 18/11/2009
- 5271
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The Law Society's International Division is hosting its second annual International Marketplace conference on 24 November 2009 with a day and evening devoted to the celebration and development of future excellence and innovation in international legal practice and business. The title of the conference is « Future-proof your law firm for a globalised world: new approaches, new challenges ».
Delegates will spend the morning listening to experts discussing the key global issues which affect international legal practices and their clients, and the afternoon will be devoted to practical breakout sessions focusing in more detail on some of the key business development innovations, international trends and themes as well as new challenges and opportunities.
The Breakdown 4 titled « Beyond the Emerging Markets: the next wave » will discuss a topic on OHADA titled: Francophone Africa and the OHADA. Harmonisation of Business Laws by Jean Alain Penda, the UNIDA's Representative at the event.
The conference will conclude with one of the International Division's very popular networking parties, which offers attendees the opportunity of making new international contacts and forging links while enjoying food and entertainment from around the world.
This event is aimed at decision makers in law firms already engaged in international legal business: heads of business development and marketing, senior and managing partners and heads of practice streams.
See programme
Ms. Katherine Bird
Phone: +44 (0) 20 7242 1222
21/11/2009 13h59 MICHAEL GEH, J.D.
To the attention of Mr. Jean Penda, OHADA contributing participant
Congratulations for your attendance and making the importance of OHADA felt at this very important Law Society International Conference. I will apreciate it if you make your presentation available on the mail for those of us absentees who might be interested to know what contribution OHADA made in selling itself in that "International Marketplace".
Thank you.