


The Practice of Securities in Banking Institutions and Decentralised Financial Institutions, Porto-Novo (Benin), from 24 to 26 June 2024

The Higher Regional School for Legal Officers (ERSUMA), in partnership with the Regional Mortgage Refinancing Fund of the West African Economic and Monetary Union (CRRH - WAEMU), is organising a bimodal training session from 24 to 26 June 2024. This session will be held simultaneously on-site at Porto-Novo at ERSUMA headquarters (Benin) and online under the theme: “The Practice of Securities in Banking Institutions and Decentralised Financial Institutions”.

General information:

  • Duration/ Date: Five (03) days, June 24 to 26 June 2024
  • Venue/broadcasting means: ERSUMA Headquarters, Porto-Novo/ Online
  • Start of training: 08:00 (GMT+1)
  • Training code: ERS2024-F6
  • Registration:
  • On-site training costs: CFAF 180,000
  • Online Training costs: CFAF 90 000
  • Target audience: Banking and insurance lawyers; chartered accountants, economic operators; auditors of banks, financial institutions, decentralised financial systems and investment funds; court-appointed representatives; auctioneers, judicial officers, court registrars, notaries, notary's assistants, lawyers, bailiffs, court-appointed representatives, company lawyers, managers and any other interested parties.


  • Dr Mounetaga DIOUF, Super Scale Judicial Officer, Doctor of Private Law, Judge at the OHADA Common Court of Justice and Arbitration (CCJA), Trainer at ERSUMA;
  • Jean-Yves LOKO, Jurist, Deputy Director of Legal Affairs and Trainer at the CRRH- WAEMU.

Online registration (Mandatory):

Final registration and payment by 14 June 2024 will entitle you to a 10% discount on the training fees.

NB: Completion of the online registration form constitutes provisional registration. Payment of the training fees constitutes final enrolment.

Participants attending online will receive their connection and participation code once they have sent their payment slip / or upon validation of their online payment.

Participants attending the course on-site will receive notification that their payment has been validated and will be invited to join the course.


  • 31/05/2024 08h06 NATHAN KALENGA

    Besoin d'une copie sur les techniques de rédaction de décisions de justice à l'espace Ohada

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