

"OHADA Telecom" : Report of the mission of M. Jacques BLANCHÉ in Gabon and Cameroon, ACP Numérique ( 18th - 25th October 2006)

  • 09/11/2006
  • 7040
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In reference to our previous newsletters relating to the implementation of the new project "OHADA telecom" whose objective is to set up a legal and unified regulatory environment in the area of telecommunication in West and Central Africa. We are pleased to inform you of the recent visit in Libreville (Gabon) and Yaounde (Cameroon) from the 18th to 25th October 2006 by M. Jacques BLANCHÉ to the relevant authorities and ministries concerned in charge of the regulation of telecommunication within the CEMAC (Central African Economic and Monetary Community). Initially the Executive Secretariat of CEMAC issued to the organisations concerned a specific questionnaire relating to the telecommunication law in force in various countries and a general questionnaire (similar for the 6 member states of CEMAC) on the political and strategic nature. At Libreville, with the most valuable assistance of the president of ARTEL, M. Maruis FOUNGUES, the outcome of two days workshop with the support of the ARTEL was to scrutinise on all matter relating to the regulatory and legal environment of telecommunication in Gabon, and work on the way the Republic of Gabon will benefit on this project at the regional level and on the most widest manner, a condition sine qua none to quickly fight against the urgent deterioration of the telecommunication systems. Also, long working sessions took place on the issue between the Secretary General of the ministry of Post and telecommunication, Mr Christophe OTHAMOT, its assistant Mrs Adelaide NGUEMA and M. Jacques BLANCHÉ. At Yaounde, due to some reason like Bank holiday and a seminar, the mission was frustrated. But with the intervention of the President, M. BEH MENGUE, issues related to the legal and regulatory environment in Cameroon were examined, also the benefits that Cameroon has to play in the project: While recognised as the principal promoter of OHADA and its instruments, and as the corner stone in the unification process in Africa. Therefore, Cameroon has an important role in the success of "OHADA Telecom" through its minister of Post and Telecommunication. The future ACP Numerique's mission in Central Africa with the aim of implementing the project "OHADA Telecoms" will take place in December in Chad, Central African Republic (M. Jacques BLANCHÉ) and Equatorial Guinea (BARRISTER Eric VEVE) We hereby welcomed all your support to the realisation of this major project that will enable Africa to benefit from the evolution of the information technology to the service of its economic development and for more unity, prosperity and employment.

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