


  • 17/11/2006
  • 7004
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We have the pleasure to announce the official institution of the CHINA-MACAO OHADA Club. The Club has been founded by Professor Salvatore MANCUSO, Professor of Comparative Law at the University of Macao, specialized in African Law and admitted at Milan Bar, who will be the President; Professor Augusto TEIXEIRA GARCIA, Professor of Commercial Law at the University of Macao, author of the Macao Commercial Code and consultant for the reform of the Commercial Codes of SAO TOME and MOZAMBIQUE and great promoter and friend of OHADA Law, who will be the Secretary of the Club; and Professor IGNAZIO CASTELLUCI, Professor of Asian Law at the University of Trento, Regular Visiting Professor at the University of Macao, specialized in South American Law and admitted at Rome Bar. There is a great interest already showed from the Chinese part for the initiatives for the promotion of the harmonized OHADA Law in CHINA, and we hope to see in the near future numerous Chinese members join the Club and finalize soon some events for the promotion of OHADA law in China. The CHINA-MACAO OHADA Club e-mail address is:

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