

Latin American and Caribbean Congress of International Commercial Arbitration / OHADAC

  • 24/05/2010
  • 6533
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Venue: Hotel Meliá, Havana, CUBA. Dates: June, 24-26, 2010 Organizors The Cuban Court of International Commercial Arbitration (CCICA), attached to the Chamber of Commerce of the Republic of Cuba Sponsors
  • National Union of Cuban Jurists (UNJC)
  • ACP Legal, the Organization for the Harmonization of Business Law in the Caribbean (OHADAC)
  • “Andrés Bello” French - Latin American Jurists Association
Objetive The event intends to be a propitious occasion for the debate and the exchange of experiences with the aim of promoting the relations and the collaboration between international trade operators and organizations encouraging the development of the commerce in Latin American and Caribbean countries, strengthening also the links with the Arbitration Courts of the region, and contributing to the harmonization of Business Law in Latin America and the Caribbean, particularly in the solution of conflicts in international trade and foreign investment. Themes
  • Public order and limits to the autonomy and the arbitrability
  • Applicable law and “lex mercatoria”
  • Arbitration agreement and third party non-signatories
  • Confidentiality
  • Ethical requirements of the arbitration
  • Powers of the arbitral tribunal
  • Precautionary Measures
  • The Proof in the arbitration
  • Annulment of the arbitral award
  • Execution of the arbitral award
  • Modifications promoted by UNCITRAL and ICC
  • OHADAC and the Harmonization of Business Law with regard to Arbitration
  • Investor-State processes. A critical examination of ICSID
  • Investor-State processes
  • Parallel processes
  • Corporate arbitration
  • Complex processes
  • Prof. Bernardo Cremades, President of the Spanish Court of Arbitration
  • Dr. Antonio Hierro, President of the Spanish Arbitration Club
  • Prof. José Carlos Fernández Rozas, Complutense University, Madrid, Spain
  • Prof. Sixto Sánchez Lorenzo, Professor of Private International Law, University of Granada, Spain
  • Dr. Alexis Mourre, Attorney at Law. Vice-president of the French Arbitration Club, France
  • Prof. Alejandro Garro, Adjunct Professor of Law, Senior Research Scholar, Parker School of Foreign and Comparative Law, Columbia University, New York, USA
  • Dr. Seydou Ba, President of UNIDA, -the OHADA treaty support association-, First Honorary President of Senegal Supreme Court, former President of the Common Justice and Arbitration OHADA Court, Senegal
  • Prof. Ignacio Castellucci, PhD of Comparative Law, Università degli Studi of Trento. Attorney at Law and Arbitrator, Italy
  • Dra. Katherine González Arrocha, Director for Latin America, ICC Dispute Resolution Services, Panama
  • Prof. Gilberto Boutin, Former Dean of the Panamanian Faculty of Law, International Arbitrator and Writer
  • Judge Catherine Sargenti, ACP Legal President, High Court of Guadeloupe, FWI
  • Dr. Rodolfo Dávalos, President of the Cuban Court of International Commercial Arbitration. Numerary Member of the Hispanic-Luso American Institute of International Law (IHLADI), Cuba
  • Msc. Narciso Cobo, Vice-president of the Cuban Court of International Commercial Arbitration. President of the Economic Court Chamber of the People's Supreme Court, Cuba
  • LL.B Francisco Victoria-Andreu, Vice-president of the “Andrés Bello”, French-Latin American Jurists Association. Lawyer, Specialist in International Arbitration, Mexico
Cultural Associated Event Havana Grand Theatre, García Lorca Amphitheater, Friday, June, 25 Exceptional Session of the National Ballet of Cuba, of the Spanish Havana Ballet and of the Andalusian Flamenco Antonio Gades Company

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