

Ohadata J-13-219
Suit n° HCB/05S/2012, Ntarikon Cooperative Union Ltd c/ Pamela SIRRI LONGTCHA and FON Festus. High Court of Mezam Décision du 19/11/2012

Voies D'exécution - Vente Forcée - Déclarations Et Observations - Audience éventuelle

Measures Of Exécution - Attachment Of Property - Specifications - Déclarations And Observations - Eventual Hearing - Mortgage Deed - Guarantor - Contract Of Guarantee - Failure To Serve Summons - Executory Formula - Surety-bond - Acknowledgement Of Loan - Power Of Attorney - Mortgage Of Matrimonial Home - Rights Of Co-owners - Order Of Sale

The counsel for the judgment debtor contested the attachment for sale of the property of Mr Fon Festus Suh, who according to him was not a party to the mortgage deed nor was he a guarantor or borrower. Since the property in question was the matrimonial home, the court had to determine the rights of the wife over the matrimonial home. As per section 17 of the Married Women's Property Act 1882 applicable in Cameroon, the woman is a co-owner of the home. According to section 121 of the 1997 Uniform Act Organising Securities, mortgages granted by all the co-owners of joint property shall remain effective regardless of the outcome of any subsequent sale by auction or sharing of the property. If the mortgage is to be granted by one co-owner, he needs the consent of other co-owners. Mr Fon Festus Suh consented to the mortgage made over the matrimonial home by his wife and could no longer dispute the sale of the property.

Article 3 Aus (1997)
Article 4 Aus (1997)
Article 117 Aus (1997)
Article 121 Aus (1997)
Article 127 Aus (1997)
Article 128 Aus (1997)
Article 227 Aus (2010)
Article 269 Aupsrve
Article 312 Aupsrve
Sections 3, 4, 117, 121, 127 And 128 Uas 1997,
Section 227 Uas 2010,
Sections 269 And 312 Uasrpme

Actualité récente


Parution d'un numéro spécial de la Revue de l'ERSUMA sur la réforme des procédures simplifiées de recouvrement et des voies d'exécution OHADA

Produit sous la direction scientifique du Professeur Ndiaw DIOUF, Professeur titulaire des Universités et rédacteur principal du nouvel Acte uniforme portant organisation des procédures simplifiées de recouvrement et des voies d'exécution (AUPSRVE), ce numéro spécial comporte plusieurs contributions, validées par un comité scientifique et portant sur différents aspects de la réforme.


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