

OHADA seminars at Xiangtan University (China)

We are pleased to inform you that two seminars related to the OHADA law will take place on April 19 and 20, 2011 at the Xiangtan University on the themes: "Presentation of the new OHADA Uniform Act on co-operative companies", and "Vulture funds and the Congo case: an African perspective", by Prof. Salvatore MANCUSO, President of Club OHADA China-Macao and UNIDA Representative in Asia, in cooperation with Prof. Yonghong HONG, Director of the Centre for African Laws and Societies of the same university. In the first seminar the new OHADA Uniform Act on co-operative companies will be presented to the Chinese audience. With the second seminar the issue of the vulture funds in Africa will be presented, trying to identify the possible solutions to be adopted to protect African countries, also at the OHADA level. We recall that these events are framed in the activities of promotion and divulgation of OHADA law in China, where the Xiangtan University is regarded as a fundamental partner, since the promotion of OHADA in China plays a very important role taking into consideration the growing role of CHINA in the economic development of Africa. Contact for more information : Pr. Salvatore MANCUSO Email:


  • 13/04/2011 14h26 FINDJI CYRILLE

    bonjour à tous membres!! je tiens tout d'abord à saluer cette initiative,qui tend à vulgariser le droit des affaires au niveau de tous les continents.

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