

OHADA LLM Thesis / INDIANA University / OHADA International Commercial Arbitration

Selected as a Fulbright Scholar in 2009, Mr. BASHI RUDAHINDWA Jonathan from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) just completed an LL. M. in international and comparative law at Indiana University (United States). He specialized in international commercial arbitration, with a focus on OHADA arbitration (LL. M. Thesis 2011).

His research focused on a comparative analysis between the American arbitration reference provided by the inter-American commercial arbitration commission (IACAC) and the African arbitration provided by the CCJA OHADA in order to highlight their similarities and differences.

A comparative analysis between the CCJA arbitration rules and the IACAC rules, as well as the OHADA Uniform Act on arbitration and the New York Convention and the UNCITRAL Model Law on international commercial arbitration, showed that both the CCJA rules and the uniform act meet international commercial arbitration standards and provide foreign and local investors with a reliable, just and perfectly legitimate arbitration reference. The same study showed that the OHADA Uniform Act on arbitration is very similar to the New York Convention and the UNCITRAL Model Law.

The choice of this topic lies within the scope of promoting OHADA in the United States and other common-law countries. While we hope that this study will encourage African common-law countries to join OHADA, we also make a call for a complete accession of DRC to OHADA, which will promote economic Rule of Law and incite prosperity in the country.

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  • 13/08/2011 13h41 NABASNOGO

    si on pouvait avoir la version française de la thèse, cela nous sera d'une trèsgrande utilité

  • 09/08/2011 15h08 CHEIKH

    La thèse n'est pas disponible en version française.

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