In Mermoriam: The former Chairman of the Nigerian Bar Association, Lagos branch, Mr. Anthony Akintola Akinbote
- 07/03/2013
- 6333
- 13 commentaires
We have the profound regret to inform you that the Former Chairman of the Nigerian Bar Association passed away at Lagos on 25 February.
A polyglot and a Pan African lawyer with an inspired and inspiring vision of the practise law in Africa, Barrister AKINBOTE has influenced the legal profession for the better in many ways, and well beyond the borders of his home country.
Devoted to the concept of cross-border understanding on the African continent, he saw the promise of OHADA law, and sought to broaden awareness of this legal system throughout Sub-Saharan Africa, particularly in the West african English speaking countries.
Barrister AKINBOTE's death is a keen loss for OHADA and to all of us.
30/07/2013 140232 LABELLE60
je suis Une jeune fille CAMEROUNAISE une maitrise en droit et carrires judiciaires depuis que j attends qu on lance le concour du bareau en vain j ai en vis de devenir avocat pour aider ma fille alors je cherche une bourse d étude pour le bareau hors de mon pays j ai 32ans sans emploi jje suis postulante dans un cabinet d avocat depuis 5 ans a ce jour pardon aidez moi a trouver une bourse d étude meme si c est au nigéria je pars par route pouvu que je fasse le bareau