

Federation of OHADA Clubs in Cameroon: appointment

We have the pleasure to announce the outcome of the meeting held in Yaoundé at Hotel Tango on June 13, 2007. The Board of the Federation of OHADA Clubs in Cameroon, unanimously decided as follows: The Federation of OHADA Clubs in Cameroon (FCCO) chaired by Mr. Jean Alain M. PENDA, ex officio, and acting as a body of the elected presidents of all OHADA Clubs in Cameroon, unanimously appointed Barrister Jean Michel MBOCK BIUMLA to the post of President of the newly formed Board of Professionals and Practitioners of the OHADA law in Cameroon. Concurrently, Mr. Fernand FONKUI, President of the Board of the Student Clubs and Associations of Young Cameroonians will continue his work on behalf of FCCO, as authorised by his Board. Under its new president, this new board of the FCCO will disseminate information about OHADA and popularize its system of laws. Importantly, it will focus on the primary objective of OHADA, namely to enhance the predictability and security of business transactions by means of sophisticated and transparent laws, transparently applied by the judiciary. The OHADA Clubs in Cameroon expect the FCCO to serve as an essential tool in the creation of an OHADA laboratory for the purpose of implementing OHADA and making it available to the whole of Africa. The OHADA Clubs in Cameroon and the FCCO are grateful to UNIDA (African Association for a Unified System of Business laws), website, and especially their President, Mr. Seydou BA, former President of the Common Court of Justice and Arbitration, for their constant support. THE FEDERATION OF OHADA CLUBS IN CAMEROON.


  • 21/07/2007 12h47 GUY LOANDO

    Comme partisan de l'harmonisation du droit des affaires en afrique , je ne peux que me rrejouir de l'avennement de ce nouveau journal, que nous souhatons plein succès.
    Encore une fois bravo à l'OHADA

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