

Call for publication of legal writings on the African Law e-Library

  • 06/02/2016
  • 5005
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The African Law Library (ALL),, is an online library set up by the African Innovation Foundation (AIF), a not-for-profit organization whose purpose is to catalyze the spirit of innovation in Africa. ALL aims to become a one-stop-shop platform by bringing all of Africa's legal information and governance instruments into a single online repository. The digital platform offers:

  1. Easy and free access to a fully transparent body of law, comprising legal texts, court decisions and secondary literature, as well as a range of texts on governance in Africa;
  2. An exclusive pan-African network of individuals with vested interest in African law and governance.

To shed light upon the depth and breadth of African legal writings and experts, AIF is calling for papers published by faculty members, students and independent researchers in academic journals for publication on our pan-African online platform. Unpublished student works, such as theses and dissertations, are also accepted as post-graduate student research often offers new and original perspectives on key issues relating to law and governance in Africa. Authors and academic institutions submitting work previously published in academic journals should make sure that they are legally authorized to do so, and that no copyright nor intellectual property interest is infringed.

Submissions should be no shorter than 5000 words (exclusive of references) and authors are solely responsible for the content of their paper, in particular concerning plagiarism issues. For inclusion in the e-Library, documents submitted should be of high quality, relevant to ALL's focus on law and governance in Africa, well documented, nonpartisan and free of bias. They must be submitted proofread for grammatical accuracy and all links included must function. All papers submitted will be reviewed by the e-Library review committee against qualitative requirements.

No ownership is assumed by AIF when storing the documents in the ALL database. To submit a paper, simply follow the instructions for manuscript submission and upload it in a PDF format. The e-Library languages are English, French and Portuguese. For more information on how to register to ALL platform and upload documents, please review the following links:

For inquiries about paper submission or for technical assistance on the registration or the submission process, please contact us at

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