


Launching of the Training Session on The Creation of Securities and Other Guarantees in the OHADA Space and Related Litigations, ERSUMA, Porto-Novo, 5 December 2016

photo2The multi-purpose hall of the Higher Regional School of Magistracy (ERSUMA), located in Porto-Novo, the capital city of the Republic of Benin, has since this morning been hosting a training session on “the creation of securities and other guarantees in OHADA space and related litigations”.

The training organized for Magistrates, Lawyers, Notaries, Court Registrars and Bailiffs, is attended by 103 participants including 90 from the 17 OHADA Member States whose participation is financed by the World Bank Group within the framework of the Project for the Improvement of Investment Climate (PACI), and 13 participants who are self-sponsored.

For five days, participants will revisit all forms of securities including real and personal securities provided by the OHADA law. Several other issues will also be discussed during the training such as the guarantee agent, the techniques of creating securities, the classification of securities and the situation of securities in the event of collective proceedings. Emphasis will be placed on the innovative legal tools of the Uniform Act organizing securities, case law relating to securities and the precautions to be taken to ensure maximum effectiveness.

After a welcome address by Dr Médard Désiré BACKIDI, Interim Director General of ERSUMA, the training session was opened by Professor Dorothé C. SOSSA, Permanent Secretary of OHADA who reiterated the determination of OHADA officials to give the School a new impetus in terms of excellence, credibility and operationality for the interest of States.

The training session is moderated by a panel of experienced experts: Prof. Charles MBA OWONO from the Omar Bongo University in Libreville, Prof. Mayatta NDIAYE MBAYE from the Cheick Anta DIOP University in Dakar and Me Désiré AÏHOU, Lawyer and Lecturer at the University of Abomey Calavi. This training takes place just a few days after a workshop on “OHADA Law and Banking Practice” organized in Dakar, Senegal, from 28 to 30 November 2016 which aimed at providing an interactive space for exchanges between professionals to improve the credit environment and the financing of enterprises in OHADA Member States.


  • 12/12/2016 16h35 DONGMO DOUANLA BRICE

    bonsoir à tous,j'apprecies beaucoup l'effort de l'ERSUMA pour le developpement econmiquedes pays mmbres de l'OHADA. en fait je voudrais savoirs'il serait possible d'avoir le resumé de ce colloque. je vais bientot soutenir mon memoire de master 2 sur les sûretés réelles sans depossession et j'aimerais avoir les principales avancées. merci bien

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