

African Congress of Business Lawyers / June 25-27, 2008 / DOUALA / CAMEROON

The African Centre for Law and Development (CA2D) is pleased and honoured to inform you that it is organising the 1st African Congress of Business Lawyers ("CAJA/CA2D 2008"). This event, the first of its kind, is bringing together the various organisations of business lawyers from the OHADA zone. In spite of prior efforts in many contexts, business lawyers have not accepted the necessity of professional conferences let alone a protective instinct for their profession. OHADA, fortunately, offers business lawyers a remarkable opportunity to develop a clear professional identity, and to defend the specific interests to business lawyers and their clients. Organised jointly with UNIDA and its website and the IDC, the Congress will held from the 25-27 June, 2008 in Douala (Cameroun), on the topic: "Current Issues and Challenges Facing Business Lawyers". The conference will examine in detail the relationship between in-house and outside legal counsel on the one hand, and the business enterprise on the other. In the process, the conference will also consider the various technical and institutional changes which both affect the business environment and are of particular concern to legal professionals. The purpose and focus of this Congress is to encourage and support a close network among jurists, whatever the form of their service within our profession. Accordingly the programme is structured to address to in-house counsel as well as magistrates, barristers & solicitors, notaries, bailiffs and academics, without forgetting the future of our profession, namely the associations and clubs of lawyers within OHADA zone. For information and registration: CA2D, LP 570 Yaounde - CAMEROUN Contact: Dr. Sadjo OUSMANOU, Director of the Congress Tel.: +237 22 23 16 74 or +237 22 04 28 61 Fax: +237 22 04 62 62 Email : Download the final programme and registration form


  • 28/05/2008 17h00 MBAYE SECK

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