

UNCITRAL at 50 and Arbitration in Africa, Yaoundé Cameroun 24 and 25 May 2017

  • 26/04/2017
  • 5394
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On 27th of June 2016, at its 49th session in New York, the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) elected Gaston KENFACK DOUAJNI (HDR) as President of UNCITRAL.

During this one-year mandate, the UNCITRAL President pledged to work for a better African presence in UNCITRAL, as well as to promote UNCITRAL instruments in Africa.

To mark this “African” year, UNCITRAL, at the instigation of its President, agreed to celebrate its 50th anniversary in an African country, in this case Cameroon.

The 50th anniversary of UNCITRAL will be celebrated with the assistance of the Government of Cameroon, in partnership with our Common Association, the APAA around a colloquium on the topic: “UNCITRAL AT 50 AND ARBITRATION IN AFRICA”, Yaounde (CAMEROON) 24 and 25 May 2017.

You will find herewith the programme and the registration form for this event.

For further information please contact the APAA's team at

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