


Doing Business in OHADA Member States 2017: The OHADA Space in the Spotlight

  • 03/11/2017
  • 6222
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Yaounde, 24 november 2017

couvertureFollowing the first edition of 2012, the Doing Business Report, specifically devoted to the business climate in OHADA Member States, recently released its second issue titled “Doing Business in OHADA Member States 2017”.

Analyzing the reforms implemented in five key areas of business regulation (business creation, obtaining loans, protecting minority investors, enforcing contracts and resolving insolvency), the Report reveals in essence that the member countries of OHADA have maintained a steady pace of reform since 2011 and were among the best world reformers in 2015 and 2016. Although there are disparities regarding the individual performance of States owing especially to domestic legislation impacting certain indicators in areas not covered by OHADA, the impact of the uniform law on the progress made by the OHADA Member States remains significant.

This new Report confirms the major role played by OHADA in streamlining the legal environment for companies and in strengthening the development strategies of our States.

The Permanent Secretary of OHADA welcomes this progress and urges all stakeholders to redouble their efforts in implementing the recommendations aimed at facilitating business practice. Keeping up with the reforming dynamics of OHADA, optimizing the implementation of Uniform Acts and better sharing of good practices will certainly contribute to making the OHADA space the new pole of prosperity desired by the founding fathers.

Download the Report Doing Business in OHADA Member States 2017.

The Permanent Secretary
Professor Dorothé Cossi SOSSA

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