

Call for papers for a special issue of the ERSUMA law review on Alternative Modes of Disputes Settlement in the OHADA space

  • 19/12/2017
  • 8432
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On November 23, 2017 in Conakry (Guinea), the OHADA Council of Ministers adopted a Uniform Act on Mediation and Revised the Uniform Act on the Law of Arbitration and the Rules of Arbitration of the Common Court of Justice and Arbitration (CCJA).

Within the framework of the popularization of these texts and the promotion of alternative dispute resolution methods in the OHADA space and beyond, the Research Center of the Higher Regional School of Magistracy (CRERSUMA) is launching a call for contributions for an issue of the ERSUMA Law Review specifically devoted to alternative dispute resolution.

This special issue named “Special Issue on Alternative Modes of Disputes Settlement in the OHADA Area” accepts contributions relating to the law or practice of arbitration, mediation and other alternative and amicable means of dispute settlement in the OHADA space and in comparative law. Contributions may fall within any of the following four sections of the Review: doctrinal studies, case law, legislation and professional practice.

Contributions to this special issue shall comply with the Editorial Charter of the ERSUMA Law Review and, in particular, with the following specific requirements:

  • Contain the full identification of the author (s): surname, first names, title;
  • Be accompanied by the curriculum vitae of the author (s) for any first submission to ERSUMA;
  • Be written in one of the OHADA working languages, namely French, English, Portuguese and Spanish;
  • Be preceded by a mandatory summary of no more than 300 words in one of the official languages of OHADA, the language of the article;
  • Be accompanied by an optional summary of no more than 300 words in one of the other official languages of OHADA.
  • Respect the following rules of form:
    • File format: Word editable version (.doc or .docx);
    • Title of the contribution: in lower case, bold and without box;
    • Main text: Cambria font, Size 12, single spacing;
    • Titles inside the text in lowercase;
    • Footnotes: Cambria font, Size 10, single spacing appearing on each page of the paper and not at the end of the paper.

Contributions shall reach ERSUMA no later than March 31, 2018. They will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee and the Editorial Board of the ERSUMA Law Review.

Contributions are received at the following address:

ERSUMA 02 BP 353 Porto-Novo, Republic of Benin
Tel: +229 20 24 58 04 / 97 97 05 37

For further information, contact:

Dr. Karel Osiris DOGUE
Tel: +229 66 26 55 25

Mr. Ghislain L. OLORY-TOGBE
Tel: +229 95 40 31 90

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The Permanent Secretary
Prof. Dorothé C. SOSSA

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