OHADA participates at the Casablanca International Arbritation Conference / Casablanca - Morocco, from 16 to 18 March, 2018
- 26/03/2018
- 6459
- 1 commentaire
Within the framework of its promotion and outreach activities of OHADA law in the Kingdom of Morocco, the Permanent Secretariat attended the International Conference on Arbitration held from 16 to 18 March 2018 in Casablanca, Hotel Farah (Kingdom of Morocco). OHADA was represented at this important event by its Director of Legal Affairs Dr. Boubacar Sidiki DIARRAH, representative of the Organisation's Permanent Secretary, Prof. Dorothé Cossi SOSSA.
Organised by the Cour Internationale d'Arbitrage et de Médiation des conflits commerciaux this important scientific event witnessed the attendance of sixty participants including the representatives of Egypt Arbitration Academy, the President of Cairo Commercial Court, the President of the Casablanca's Cour Internationale d'Arbitrage et de Médiation des conflits commerciaux, Dr. Mohamed ELAOUAD, lawyers, notaries; bankers, legal representatives, business firms and economic operators from Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Morocco.
The main theme of the Conference was “Arbitration: factor of legal and judicial security and investments attraction”.
In his speech, the OHADA representative made a general presentation of the Organisation highlighting the advantages of its legal system and, especially, those of its arbitration system. He also stressed on the amendments of the new Uniform Act on Arbitration Law, adopted on 23 November 2017 in Conakry (Guinea) which came into force on 15 March 20018.
The International Conference of Casablanca improved OHADA visibility in the Kingdom of Morocco and in other Arabian counties. The Permanent Secretariat thanks the event organizers for the invitation, which proves the growing interest of law professionals and business world actors in Morocco to our Organisation.
Keep up with all the institutional news about OHADA on www.ohada.org and subscribe to the Newsletter to stay informed.
The Permanent Secretary,
Prof. Dorothé C. SOSSA
28/03/2018 17h08 TÔYÂH
C'est vraiment une très bonne initiative j'apprécie beaucoup... ????