

SOAS Arbitration in Africa Conference / Kigali (Rwanda), 2-4 May 2018

It is with pleasure that we inform you that the School of Oriental and African Studies - University of London (SAOS) is co-organising with the Kigali International Arbitration Centre (KIAC) it fourth arbitration in Africa Conference under the theme: The Role of Arbitration Practitioners in the Development of Arbitration in Africa. The conference will take place from 2 to 4 May 2018 in Kigali in Rwanda.

The 2018 SOAS/Kigali arbitration conference is the fourth in the series of the SOAS Arbitration in Africa conferences. The Kigali conference primarily aims to examine how African arbitration practitioners can better support the development of both domestic and international arbitration in their countries, regions and collectively across the continent and globally.

In this conference series, we have examined how arbitral institutions, national courts and the executive and legislative arms of governments can better support the development of arbitration in Africa. Past participants of these conference series have come from countries across the world to share their experiences of arbitrating in Africa. Relevant functionaries from the arbitration centres, judiciaries and governments have started changing their behavior as a direct result of the exchanges at our past conferences. In 2018, we shall focus on ourselves as African arbitration practitioners with our foreign colleagues, to examine how we, as practitioners and users, can better support the development of both domestic and international arbitration on the continent of Africa.

The conference programme and the discussion paper are available on the project website at:


Our conferences are trilingual: Arabic, English, and French with simultaneous translation.

For further information, please contact:

Dr Emilia Onyema & Dr Jean Alain Penda
Email : /


  • 29/04/2018 08h28 GASPARD NANEKOULA

    Je suis vraiment très intéresse par cette conférence en tant qu'aspirant arbitre mais si vous nous donnez l'information à quelques jours de la conférence, comment faire.
    Aussi, j'aimerai savoir s'il y a une prise en charge pour des aspirants arbitres comme moi vu les délais ?

  • 28/04/2018 14h23 WADAAN

    Bonjour, il serait peut-être mieux que vous annonciez les séminaires ou autres événements 1 à 2 mois avant. A quelques jours , il est presque impossible d’y participer .

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