

ERSUMA - OHADA / Issue number 11 of ERSUMA Review is live


The High Regional School of Magistracy (ERSUMA) of the Organisation for the Harmonisation of Business Law in Africa (OHADA) announces that the 11th issue of ERSUMA Review, a biannual review of African and Comparative business law is live.

The ERSUMA review covers many contributions on current developments in business law, may it be OHADA Law, national Law of the State Parties, other African community laws and comparative law. Since its new graphic charter has been approved, contributions in French, English, Portuguese and Spanish are welcomed and for each of the contributions, an abstract in French, English and Portuguese has been added.

The ERSUMA Review covers four (4) sections namely - doctrinal studies, legislation, caselaw and professional practice.

The reader will find in this issue many scientific contributions as approved by the scientific committee made up of eminent jurists including:

  • The protection of the depositor against unfair terms;
  • The Common Court of Justice and Arbitration (CCJA) of OHADA and its case law: focus on jurisdictional competences distribution;
  • Electronic money in the financial regulation of WAMU;
  • The garnishee in the case law of the CCJA.

For more details, click on the link below to view the contents:

Also read the latest issues which contents can be viewed by clicking on the link below:

Content of ERSUMA Review No 9, a special issue devoted to the alternative disputes' resolution modes:

Content of ERSUMA Review No 10:

Due to the global health situation, the ERSUMA Review is only available in digital format.

It is on sale online and can be purchased by annual subscription.

Unit price: 10,000 CFA francs/ 20 $ USD / 16 Euros

Price of the two issues of the year on subscription basis: 17,000 CFA francs/34 $ USD / 26 Euros

To join ERSUMA Review subscribers, please fill out and send the subscription coupon to the following address: ERSUMA 02 BP 353 Porto-Novo, République du Bénin or

For further information or contributions, please contact ERSUMA at:

ERSUMA 02 BP 353 Porto-Novo, République du Bénin
Tel: +(229) 97 97 05 37, Courriel:

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The Permanent Secretary,
Prof. Sibidi Emmanuel DARANKOUM


  • 13/06/2024 16h48 AMADOU BALDÉ

    Je suis intéressé par votre programme de formation sur la gouvernance des entreprises en droit OHADA.
    Je serais heureux de recevoir la fiche de renseignement/catalogue de formation.

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