

Doing Business recognises OHADA

The World Bank report on « Doing business » appreciates the evolution on OHADA Member States. This year again, the World Bank « Doing Business » report evaluates the business regulation of 181 countries around the world, in particular the reforms designed to facilitate business practices. According to the report, Eastern Europe and Central Asia effected the great majority of those reforms (93%). It also highlights the Sub-Saharan Africa states, almost all of which belong to OHADA, that undertook at least one reform to improve the business environment. Senegal and Burkina Faso initiated legislative reforms in various fields: incorporation of companies, acquisition of construction certificates, transfers of property, protection of investors and of contractual expectations. In Ivory Coast, alongside a conference evaluating the implementation of OHADA, the authorities initiated an interaction between the Government and managers of enterprises, for the purpose helping the private sector become more competitive. Worldwide interest in these countries is evidence of their emerging economic revival. The Bretton Woods institutions and the French Agency for Development have shown increased interest in the region. Similarly, Mrs. Idrac, secrétaire d'Etat in Charge of Foreign Trade, has recently led a delegation of businessmen to Sub-Saharan Africa. France, that region's most important commercial partner and investor, represented by more than 600 enterprises in Ivory Coast, is a partner of this revival. According to some analysts, the after several years of economic growth in Africa, it is time for reforms. A 6% average growth rate over the last decade and the awareness of the economic potential that can result from attracting more foreign investment, is pushing the authorities of these countries to rationalize applicable legal constraints and to adopt well-designed legal frameworks for investment. Written by Goullom Ouattara, on May 6th, 2009 Translated into English by Jean Alain Penda and Prof. Claire Moore Dickerson


  • 16/11/2009 20h00 OBELE PATRICK

    malgré les multiples constats de la banque mondiale, le mien est très grand, celui de sa trop grande ingérence dans les affaires économiques de l'Afrique et qu'il serait mieux pour elle d'apprendre aux africains à créer et à consommer eux-mêmes leurs produits et aussi de mettre sur pied des reformes adaptées à leur contexte et non de vouloir naïvement copier celles qui leur sont inutiles

  • 19/05/2009 11h47 TCHATCHOUA GUSTAVE

    je souhaite vivement qu'au delà du simple constat, la Banque Mondiale s'implique d'avantage en incitant les pays membres de l'OHADA qui trainent encore les pas, à rendre effectif la volonté des réformes en ratifiant le traité revisé

  • 15/05/2009 11h01 ONDOKI ISIDORE

    It is very great to notice the coming instrest of The World Bank Doing Business Report on OHADA matters. M
    This interest I nhope is going to change the appreciation of some countries in Europe, North America and Asia on Africa. The OHADA rules are in improvement since 1993. That is the only example of commercial integration in the Worl, excepted European Union countries members. If the OHADA receives a good appreciation from The World Bank Group, maybe some countries such as DRC or English speaking countries (Ghana, The Gambia, Nigeria) are going to entry more quickly in their process to be accepted as OHADA members.

    In conclusion, I am still wondering how the Doing Business is not giving a better quotation to the OHADA process.

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