Summary of the interview given by Boris Martor in "Les Afriques" on the entry of DRC into OHADA
- 02/10/2009
- 7754
- 2 commentaires
By adopting the project of law for the ratification of the OHADA treaty at the last Council of Ministers which took place on the 4 of August 2009, the government of the DRC confirmed the very soon joining of the country in the OHADA space. This event is the result of a strong political fight and the increasingly consciousness that the present Congolese framework is mostly outdated and incomplete, representing a disincentive to any foreign or national investors...
The OHADA satisfies to the DRC's needs to modernize and secure its economical and legal environment, and then stimulate the growth by encouraging the operators to invest in the region. Legal integration and harmonization in Africa, is what OHADA is achieving through its 8 Uniform Act on Business law (general commercial law, companies law, debt recovery and enforcement law; security law, bankruptcy law, arbitration, accounting law, law regulating contracts for carriage of goods by road). Conversely, the entry of the DRC in the OHADA gives a major step forward in the direction of the unification, harmonization and modernization of law within the African continent. Indeed, the DRC symbolizes a gigantic potential of growth for the OHADA, with a large population and abundant natural resources (his territory is 4 times superior to France, his population of 68 millions people is almost doubling the human density of the OHADA space).
In the practical level, the DRC is now taking several actions (seminars, training, works on the compatibility between the Congolese national provisions and the OHADA Uniform Act...ect) so as to organize and ensure its efficient entry in the OHADA space within the next future.
Read the interview given by Boris Martor in "Les Afriques"
03/10/2009 18h12 ME EZÉCHIEL
La Rd congo devrait, toutes affaires cessantes, intégrer l'OHADA vu l'inefficacité de son arsenal juridique en Droit des Affaires.
Cependant, elle n'a pas tord de prendre un temps suffisant à examiner d'abord son droit interne étant donné que elle adopte un système moniste avec primauté du droit international.
Ainsi se doit elle d'analyser quels sont les aspects son arsenal juridique qui serait incompatible avec le traité de l'Ohada pour en fin penser à sa ratification.
Courage à la Rd Congo et l'Afrique attend de lui ce grand pas juridique pour son développement.