

Training seminar on the Uniform Act of October 17, 2023 in Douala on July 2, 2024

The NGOULLA FOTSO & Associés Law Firm with registered address at 111 Rue du Tribunal, Bonanjo - Douala, P.O Box 4389, Tel. +237 33 42 33 63 represented by Barrister Arlette NGOULLA FOTSO, Lawyer of the Cameroon Bar, shall be organizing on July 02, 2024 in Douala, a high-level training seminar on the OHADA Uniform Act on Simplified Recovery Procedures and Enforcement Measures adopted on October 17, 2023 in Kinshasa by the OHADA Council of Ministers.

Given the importance of this Uniform Act in our business environment and the need to master the intricacies for an effective application by different judicial actor especially lawyers, The Arlette NGOULLA FOTSO & Associés Law Firm invite their colleagues to this seminar organized under the topic: ”The Application of the Uniform Act on simplified recovery procedures and enforcement measures of 17 October 2023: The stakes, Difficulties/Challenges and Practical Solutions, Case Law Perspectives“.

Conduct of the training

The training will be structured around three main modules:

I - Debt recovery within the OHADA Zone

  • Evaluation of the application of the Uniform Act of 10 April 1998
  • Checklist of innovations of the Uniform Act of 17 October 2023

II - The rebranded simplified recovery procedures

  • Order to pay/order nisi
  • Order to deliver/restitute

III - The new forms of execution resulting from the Uniform Act of 17 October 2023

  • Attachment of Livestock
  • Attachment of assets placed in a safe deposit box
  • Attachment of business (Assets/Goodwill)
  • Attachment of assets/money held electronically

Date and place of training

The training shall take place on July 02, 2024 from 9 a.m. prompt, in the conference room of ELITES OFFICES (Rue Dubois de Saligny, Behind Direction Générale Orange Cameroun, Akwa)


The training will be led by Barrister Jérémie WAMBO, Lawyer of The Cameroon Bar, Former Judges' Assistant (Juriste Référendaire) at the OHADA Common Court of Justice and Arbitration, expert in OHADA law, practice and procedures relating to recovery and enforcement measures and author of several practical books on recovery, co-author of the Code of Recovery and Enforcement Measures published on February 25, 2024, assisted by Gerad NSA M. ESQ., Lawyer of the Cameroon Bar, who shall be presenting in English.

Participation in the training

Participation in this training is free and open to all lawyers of the Cameroon Bar, subject to the available number of places and upon prior registration.

Registration is open until June 30, 2024 at 3 p.m.

For any information relating to the said training, please contact: The Arlette NGOULLA FOTSO & Associes Law Firm, Tel.: +237 658 16 27 13, Email:


  • 11/06/2024 17h05 NDUCHO THIERRY WAKILI

    This serminar is very important,
    I am interested in the training serminar

  • 11/06/2024 16h45 DJOUKOUO

    Les thèmes sont captivant et sont d'actualité. Belle initiative, je serai ravie de compter parmi les participants.

  • 08/06/2024 20h23 MAHAMAT SAMBA TOURE

    Je voudrais avoir plus d'informations sur les conditions de participation. Merci

  • 04/06/2024 10h22 AGBOR MOSES ENO

    Very laudable. I am interested in the training. Thanks to the organizers

  • 31/05/2024 13h37 ANGE

    Belle initiative de la part du droit OHADA de faire une reforme sur les délais de prescription en matière de créance .
    J'aimerais svp avoir l'extrait du code de procédure de recouvrements et voies d'exécutions dans le cadre de la rédaction de mon mémoire.

  • 30/05/2024 06h31 DOMO ZARZAR KETING

    J'aimerais y participer.

  • 29/05/2024 13h57 BEN BINYET

    Je veux participer au séminaire

  • 29/05/2024 13h08 MONIQUE CHRISTELLE SEKE

    Très belle initiative
    Merci beaucoup

  • 29/05/2024 09h57 WANGO

    This seminar is very timely to keep lawyers abrest with the innovations of Ohada Uniform Acts.

    Thanks immensely for giving us the opportunity to attend the seminar.

  • 29/05/2024 09h54 WANGO

    Laudable initiative.

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